Office of
Mary E. Woolley
Westport - Essex County - New York
Telephone: Westport 1-1
January 16, 1945
Dear Sidonia;
Your messages to Miss Woolley have meant a good deal to her, and to me, too ..... I am finding out that those who have no experience -- and I had had none -- in the case of a cerebral hemorrhage patient do not understand its tragic involvement ..... I wish that some of us need not go through life as ignorant as even supposedly intelligent people are. I shudder when I hear doctors and nurses referring to "cases like these", and I have and do suffer at the thought of what multitudes of such "cases" there are in the world. I am told that it is one of the commonest diseases ..... An understanding letter like yours, Sidonia, does help.
When Harriet was here she said that she thought you could probably get for me some of the types of office supplies which I find myself unable to obtain here in the North Woods. Could you get for me one thousand sheets of some thin, or very thin, white copy paper? Also, could you get for me a box, about five hundred, of cheap, long envelopes similar to the one Mrs Parkhill is enclosing? Even Plattsburg no longer produces them. And may I have a box of thin carbon paper?
You will read between the lines of the enclosed bulletins.
Yours affectionately,
Jeannette MarksJM:MP