W.C.C., Madras.
Oct. 8, 1931.Dear Miss Turner,
Here are rough copies of the charts to go with the paper I sent last week. [no longer with this letter] Please suggest anything that you think would improve it.
Ruth Conklin writes that Dr. Redfield has left the medical school. [sad face] I wonder whom he'll turn me over to.
Yesterday I wrote a letter of introduction to you for a young Danish friend of mine, Dr. Johannes Frimodt-Moller, who has a fellowship from the American-Scandinavian foundation to study t.b. He finished his medical course at Copenhagen a year ago & has had a year's experience here with his father who is director of a splendid union mission tuberculosis sanatorium. The lad is keen, & the fact that he has chosen t.b. as his special field seems to indicate that he contemplates coming back to his father's place here though I believe he is making us pledges. He sails from Colombo Oct. 12th via our (Miss Stokey's & mine) French line - Singapore, Indo-China, Japan. I want him to see the best things in America, & it would be nice for him to see one of the good women's colleges. Would you get into touch with him sometime after he arrives and see what his plans are? A man at Hopkins is looking after him & he may be all booked up, but it may be that he'll be glad of a little friendliness from other than t.b. folk. He gives as his address 25 W. 45th St. N.Y. I think Miss Stokey met him. She went to the sanatorium. I visited his folks in Copenhagen & Johannes very sportingly took me to the theatre, altho' he was feeling then very timid with his English. You'll like him. I've given him a letter for Madeleine to meet Dr. Drinker.
Love to you, & Miss Stokey,