A Letter Written on Oct 22, 1877

[Some paragraph breaks added for ease of reading.]

Mechanicsburg Oct 22/77

My Dear Daughter

This is Monday morning, I have several letters to write and will commence with you. I am feeling better than I did am taking medicine from Dr Brandt which I think is helping my head I am about through now with my fall work and am real glad. Was down at Harrisburg at Synod and to give the Captain and Rea goodbye they start this evening for Nebraska the Captain is quite pleased with the west he[']s gone into the mercantile business they intend boarding.

Sammie was down said he had heard from you and thout [sic] you were not as well pleased with your school as last year. Two Lamberton girls Mr and Miss Clarke from Chambersburg and Lizzie Williams one minister and D Clarke as Elder so they had a house full they insisted on my staying but I prefered coming home. Florence is improving slowly she goes to Carlisle to be treated once in two weeks. Aunt Sarah will now have to go with her. The Captain and Rea think of calling with Jennie. I had a letter from Horrie at last I was beginning to think he was lost I thought his school was to commence the first of Oct instead of Nov as he now says he was out in Lawrence Co five weeks had returned to Gennis when he wrote his prospects for money making are not very bright but he bears it manfully and hopes to do better another year. The folks here are in usual health I have been paying up my calls and am almost even many inquiries are made for you the friend[s] are very kind in calling.

Did I tell you that P. Porter called a short time since he is nursing his wife who is at her mothers he looks very well. Jimmy Diver was with me over night also Mrs Zinn she and Lizzie Williams are to be here today or tommorrow [sic]. Jamima Clarke is well again. I am knitting mittens and stockings for Johnie he feels the want of warm clothing. He wrote me that he had given up the idea of going to China to take Calvins place unless you had later news from him I have forwarded him several China letters I heard Dr Ellinwood at Synod his address was just splendid. I was very much gratified indeed I also heard Mr Norcross reading his report of the Council which was pronounced very good so I was well rewarded for attending Synod a short time we had one of the delegates to preach yesterday and last evening Mr Lane of Ohio preached he is a beau of Ellen Beecher, and I presume it will be a match but I would rather hear Mr Reigart than either of them he is not easy excelled. I am getting on nicely with my S School class they are doing very well indeed though their former teacher had pronounced them unmanageable.

Now I am feeling anxious about your back if it continues to trouble you you had better leave in time, is that Lizzie you speak of your roommate I hope she is not as it will be so hard on you. You speak of working one hour and a half instead of ten minutes how is this were you doing another persons work you should not allow yourself to be imposed upon[.] Write soon and tell all about it. Now I must go to the office though it is raining.

As ever Lovingly Your Mother

We have had lovely weather for some time past but are now having a cold rain am almost out of money but hope to get some soon from Henry