[Some paragraph breaks added for ease of reading.]Steubenville Ohio.
Jan. 12th 1881.Dear Sister Jennie.
Your letter came in this noon and as I have a little time before school I will pen you a little acknowledgement and write you again later. Yes I will inquire for Mrs Conn at once for I will be glad to find a friend in town. I feel so strange and outside of the Sem. I have not a single person who is more than a speaking acquaintance. Rea. and Florrie are both sick in Nebraska and Aunt Sarah is "dreadfully worried" I guess not without some cause either for Rea has been real sick for several months. Florrie has made herself sick taking care of Rea and is probably just run down.
Auntie's lip is all well and she goes without anything around it. Her mouth is all out of shape but it does not look very bad. The Beechers are all well. Hanna is better than usual I think but the rest were quite stiff with me. Beckie Proctor has been sick all winter and has about concluded to let Mrs Huston have her class. We do not have any Spring vacation and school closes the 8th of June. I want to visit Columbus. Uncle Roberts and Annie Murrow [?] before I go home for I may not get out here soon again. Dr. Wallace is real kind to wish I would visit you so they could see me. I would love to see them all and hope I may sometime.
It seems quite natural to hear of Lizzie coasting. It is so much in keeping with her character and habits. Seems to me she is rather old for such sports.
I cannot remember ever having met a Miss McCollough or a Mrs Sharp in Shippensburg but perhaps I did.
Mother writes that she expects to start east the 18th of this month and stop a few days in Covington. I wish she would stay longer at Wills. for this way she will be home so long before I get there. Still she will want to be at home [?] the first of April if Rob goes on to be ordained with Jai I am very much afraid Rob. will go to China alone that is unmarried for he seems so indifferent[.] Will says he did his best to get him roused on the subject so maybe he will take fresh start. Horace wonders on which direction he will strike when he starts out to capture her. Does Horrie ever write to you? He has done more writing to me this winter than ever he has done in his life. Just the other day he wrote and told me all the particulars of his visit to N. Jersey. I hope he will hold on to Lonlie [?] and think he will. Wish I could have a good long talk with you about our going to China. Am quite at sea on the subject. Mervin is just about ready to say go and I am a little inclined to back out. My time is up and I must go. Miss Buxton (the senior teacher) and I are going out to a Missionary meeting after school. Love to all.