[Some paragraph breaks added for ease of reading.]Princeton Feb 19th 1879
Dear Mother:
I have just returned from our prayer meeting in the country. I am tired: but must write to you before I retire. I am in usual health. Everything moves on pleasantly. We are kept very busy. Our prayer meeting is well attended. The woma[n]'s meeting is getting along grandly. Some 14 or 15 are in attendance, and I hope there will be many more in time. Mrs Lowrie & Janvier [?] go out regularly. Mrs J is a lovely xtian woman. The women are beginning to lead in prayer. I think they are enjoy their meeting very much. Jennie asked about the missionary society at Griggstown. They have not formed one yet. They have sickness & colds among them. When the weather gets more favorable. They are coming in for Mrs Janvier & Lowrie who are to help them organize &c.
I do not know what I shall do next Summer. I hope to preach some where, though I am not troubling myself much about it. I want to be licensed in the spring. Dr Storrs of Brooklyn is delivering a cours[e] of lectures to us on St Bernard and his times. He is a grand lecturer. Dr Ellinwood was here to-day. He asked about Julia. He is not at all well. He was here after men for Mexico. I guess he will get at least two and I hope more from here this year. We have a sustained interest among us. Our meetings are splendid. Dr Taylor of N.Y. spoke to us last Sabbath upon the relation of the home ministry to the mission cause. Mr Hutchinson from Mexico gave us a grand talk one night. Mr Wherry of India is to spend a sabbath here soon and conduct several missionary services, also Dr Booknell is to be here soon. The Faculty are very much roused up. It comes out in their prayers. Mr Hutchinson is doing a great & blessed work in Mexico. We have appointed a committee of which I am one to write a missionary letter to all the Seminaries of the country. I hope it may do good: for there is a sad apathy at home among so many. I am surprised that Horrie is going to Missouri. I think he had better see to getting a school the first thing if he desires to teach. I shall be rejoiced if Jon. gets Miss Stuart of Murrayville. From what I saw of her I think she will suit him very well, much better than Miss Kate. I shall be rejoiced to see Julia: hope she may be no worse for her trip.
I am glad that you are both suited in a house, am sorry however, that you have to move so often. It will be much more difficult without Lillie. I wonder what she will do next Summer. I think it would be wise for her to get a situation to teach in Mechanicsburg. She seems to be anxious to get married I think she need not worry about that. Such as she are hard to find by young men. Desirable girls with education are at a high premium. I think Mr Marquis would not object to having her. I must close for this time. Hope you all keep well. Am very sorry to hear that Mr H. is not so well. Give my love to all the friends. Write soon and I shall answer ever promptly.
Affectionately your son