[Some paragraph breaks added for ease of reading.]Tungchow Dec. 19th. 1881
Dear Mother:
You may be wondering why no letter comes from me. It is explained by the fact that Lillie & I have divided the writing and she has always written to you. We are all hard at work on the language. We aim to study three hrs A.M. & two P.M. Lillie and I are two wks behind the others: but hope to catch up by & by. It is plain to see that we have a great work before us: but patience and perserverance will do wonders. Calvin has prepared a series of lessons which facilitates matters very much.
Lillie has told you how we are all distributed, I guess. They are to bring Mrs. Capp [Mrs. M.B. Capp, died at Tungchow shortly after this letter was written, on Feb. 15, 1882] here in a few days, when I am to go over to her house to stay with the Laughlins. I am to come over here every day to study with Lillie. This will compell [sic] me to take regular exercise.
My health has been quite good. I was seasick very little: and have been well since after getting rested from so much travelling. I wonder if you threw up your bonnet when you read of my matrimonial prospects. I should not wonder if you did. God has been very good to me in it. Lillie has told you of her I presume & she would be a more candid judge I suppose. She is a grand good woman without any mistake. Mrs. Dr. Graves, who came out with us told me that she had known a great many missionary women: but she never knew one that she thought would make a better missionary -
I have just been counnting up the days and find it is about time for the Chicago ladies to get her letter. They will be soemwhat bewildered I imagine. I am looking to be troubled in my dreams about this time. Well it is to [sic] bad to disappoint so many: but God plainly ordered it so and he knows best.
The mails have been delayed for quite a time so that we have had no letters for some time: We have no word from America since we left there. I have had only one letter from Miss Archibald. We hope this will not happen often however. I do hope you are well and getting along pleasantly[.] We are so glad that Aunt Mary can be with you and hope she may remain for the winter. I often think of you and wonder what you are doing.
I am much encouraged and strengthened by the thought that you are constantly praying for me. I am sure your pleadings will not be denied: and surely I am in need of help from on high. My wicked heart asserts itself constantly. I am disposed to cry out as Paul, "Who will deliver me &c" I need to live much nearer to Xt [Christ] before I can be of much use in this country: but God has promised all needed grace.
It is decided the Laughlins and we are to go out to Wahien: but we can not move out for some time. We shall probably need to spend another winter here. Jai & I shall go out there in the Spring and perhaps remain for some months, then we will go back & live in an inn for a time & thus work ourselves gradually into a residence. There is a most encouraging state of things in that region, and we shall be anxious to get out as soon as possible.
I heard Mr Leyenberger give an account of his recent trip and it was exceedingly interesting I presume he has written an account of it for the last Foreign missionary.
This Presbytery is writing a strong appeal for two more men to go to Chenanfoo. The missionaries in Central China think we are asking too much up here: but Calvin says they ought to make a stir if they want more men. early providential need. Calvin is kept exceedingly busy all the time. Indeed he can't keep up with his work. He is compelled to study a good deal for his classes. He has a class of five first rate men who are to graduate this year. He has twice as many applications for them: they are wanted in Pekin, in Shanghai, Chenanfoo &c &c.
The school is getting quite a reputation. Calvin just had a letter from the Commissioner of Customs at Chefoo saying that there was a move on foot to get one of his graduates as professor in the College in Pekin. He wants an account of the College to write up for his report to the government. The coming of the telescope stirred him up I guess. It is here all right and set up. Calvin has a great many tools and a full line of apparatus for experiments.
I think from what Lillie says that you have a wrong impression as to the attitude of the Board towards the College. I think they favor it & will support it . Dr. Smith may remain here and work in connection with Calvin or he may go out to the interior with us. It is not fully decided yet.
Annie is doing splendid work in the language. Calvin & Julia are quite carried away with her. They all make good headway, so Calvin thinks. Mr. Mills has decided to go home with his two children in March: so Calvin will be left to do all the preaching in addition to his other work. Julia says she is going to turn Lillie into teach & she will do pastoral work. She thinks she can do good work in that way if they won't let her teach.
Lillie & I were at Church last Sunday. They have a nice little church & an organ: they sing real well. There were about 120 present. Mr. Mills preaches three times & Calvin once every month. In the afternoon they have S. School, of which Calvin is Superintendant.
Many of the boys & men of this school and the girls of Mrs. Capp's school have really intelligent and interesting faces. Miss Anderson of Chefoo is here helping to nurse Mrs. Capp. She & I took a long walk out along the Sea the other day. There is some very pretty scenery around here. It is quite cold weather, though not so cold as at home. We have had grand winter weather so far. It has [s]nowed several times: but has not been on the ground long.
Lillie has not heard much from Dr. S- since she came. I don't know exactly what will become of her. Calvin says they will turn her in to teach in his School. She can do it well & is much needed. If the Smiths stay here, they think Anne Smith will be splendid to help in Maggie's school. In that way Lillie could leave if it should be so ordened.
[sic] We are to have the wedding in the church, so Calvin says: they propose to make quite an occasion of it. Julia says she must get a new dress for the occasion. It is hard to say when it will be. We hope Miss A- may get up in January, tho. She may not until March. They say that the steamers are to run every two wks; the Hitchs have invited her to stay there while she is required to remain in Shanghai: so there is no reason why [...] I should not come just as soon as she hears from the ladies in Chicago. If they telegraph, she may hear by the first of January. Of course I am anxiously awaiting her arrival.
I neglected to say that Mrs Capp is some better. She is very fearful that she will not be well enough to attend the wedding. We have an English service every Sunday morning
[incomplete letter by Robert Mateer, Lillie's brother]