A Letter Written on Oct 6, 1881

[Some paragraph breaks added for ease of reading. An interesting letter, written while travelling, visiting family, giving talks, etc., shortly before heading for the West Coast for the ship to China.]

Onarga. Oct. 6th.

Dear Jennie:

Here I am safe & sound: my plans have all worked out to a charm[.] God has been very good. I spoke at Crestline that evening & went to Nevada next day; back to Crestline down to Delaware where we had a nice meeting Thursday evening: Friday went to Columbus where we had a meeting in the evening[.] Saturday went to Urbana where I preached twice. I stayed at Houston's where they were very kind, tho. Miss Lucy had the nervous headache most of the time. I took tea twice at Ogden's. They have had much company this summer. Mrs O's mother died after a long sickness so all together she is in sore need of a rest. Mr O. is nominated & will be elected to the legislature. How is that? I called at Wood's Annie Morins McDonalds &c. They all asked very particularly for you and would like you to visit Urbana. They have called Rev. Patterson of London Ohio and he has accepted: so they are really to have a pastor. I met him at Columbus and thought him a good man: I hope he may prove so in every sense.

On Monday, a lady called on Mrs. Houston to solicit her children for a dancing school: she said in view of there being so many, that she would take them "at whole sale rates". I had a good laugh over the idea and told her I must tell you.

Tuesday I went to Indianap. where Wishard [Luther Wishard, a class-mate from Princeton, and a leader in the Y.M.C.A.] met me. We called on his Mother & sisters on Dan Rice's intended & took tea & spent the night with Mrs Pce. [sic] Yesterday I came on here. The people everywhere have been much disappointed in not seeing Lillie [his sister, who was to accompany him to China]. It is too bad that she has been so disappointed in not getting started. We have not yet heard when to expect her here: but are looking for her today.

I dont know the address of the man in Pittsburg. He has gone out to one of the suburbs of Pittsburg. I think one east. If you drop a card to Rev. J. T. McClerory [?] pastor 3rd U. P. Ch. Pittsburg he can give you his exact address. Or if you are in the city & go into Mr Reed's jeweler store on Market near Liberty they can tell you I think. His name is Wm Yost. If you demand his services tell him you are my sister & I think he will take the trouble to do what you ask him. He generally succeeds in whatever he undertakes.

I am sorry that you are having so much trouble with your house.

We will write again when we get to Johns or fr[om] S.F - God bless & keep you and yours -

Affec. Your bro.
Robbie -