A Letter Written on Jun 23, 1881

[Some paragraph breaks added for ease of reading.]

Wooster June 23rd

Dear Mother:

The first installment has gone Anna and Lloyd left at two this P.M. and there is a great calm without Lloyd[.] He kept up the music you may be sure. Commencement is all over at last I have gotten through wonderfully well feel tired of course and need sleep - but will soon be rested. I think Mr R- Agnes and Annie have all enjoyed it very much. They have seen most there is to see here - and the people were very attentive and kind.

I had some company to tea one evening - Dr. Nevins - Prof. Kirkwood, Mrs McGown of Urbana, Mrs Boal and Miss Meyers. My little girl has been doing nicely - I have her to the end of this week - then the girls will have to turn in. We are to have a little picnic in Mrs Boals yard to-morrow afternoon. We hill folks. Dr Taylor has been quite sick was not able to be out at all except on Wednesday (yesterday) - had a severe attack of bilious choic Sabbath morning Dr Black took his place. I will send Horry a paper containing the exercises so I need not speak of them here. My head is too much in a mix to write much. Anna went right on to Washington - will reach there at nine to-morrow morning. You will hear from her soon. Mr Reigert will be here till the beginning of next week - when he will go on to Detroit.

As for me I have no plans. I will have to rest & think, and wait. I suppose Lily is at home now, and trying to get her plans laid, and preparations made to go to the other side of the globe. I am sorry she could not have stopped to see us on her way East. I think she would have enjoyed the Commencement. Dr Nevins did not make the most favorable impression possible here. I fear the representatives we have had here from China will not help the cause much. No word from Landrum Holmes - He has left nor track nor trace. Poor boy! I have done my duty in the matter, and shall not trouble myself more about it.

I do wonder how you are feeling by this time. There was a Mr Cubbs at Dr Taylor's reception last night who is just from Allegheny Seminary[.] He asked me if I was not a sister of Mr Eckles! I guess I will have to stop for want of anything more to say. This is passing strange - but my head feels like a bee sceps [sic] - full of bees. Mr Reigert went with Annie to the train and waited down town for the mail.

Saturday 25th Alas for this letter[.] Well it must now be ended, whether finished or not. Things are going on here. We had a most delightful pic-nic yesterday in Mrs Boal's yard. Mr Reigert has got pretty well acquainted with the people and he must be pleased I am sure.

I am feeling wonderfully well considering - tired of course - but not as tired as when the fuss began I was so over worked getting ready but having a girl I have got along with more comfort than I dreamed possible. Mr R. is to preach here for Dr M'Curdy to-morrow and will go on to Detroit Monday. Then the household will calm down to its wonted routine and it will be a little lonely on the hill.

Mrs Meyers went to the country for the Summer - Mrs Boal and Fanny go to their friends - start Monday. I will miss them both ever so much. Now I want to get a little washing done to-day before Hanna goes.

Now Willie wants to see the show down town so I must quit.
