A Letter Written on Jul 8, 1879

[Some paragraph breaks added for ease of reading. An interesting letter, written 3 years after his return from China, in which he mentions writing a letter to "Julia", the wife of his brother Calvin, in China, and noting that he is sending it with this letter, and asks his mother to peruse it and mail it for him. He also notes that his brother, "Horrie" (Horace), is with him working on the farm for the summer (Horace Mateer graduated from Princeton, and became a Physician, practicing at Wooster, Ohio). He also mentions the graduation of his sister, Lillie, (Lillian Mateer graduated from Holyoke Seminary, taught at a Seminary in Steubenville, Ohio, and went to China as a missionary in 1881). More interesting content, including a discussion on his mother's plan to have the whole family together in Mechanicsburg for Christmas, and whether he will be able to afford to go; sends a photograph of himself with the letter (no longer present), and more.]

Center Point Mo July 8th 1879

Dearest Mother

Some little time since your letter came greatly to my delight. I have just written a letter to Julia which I enclose for your perusal [no longer with this letter] and then will you please forward it to her. I need not add much about Horrie. Only let us pray that he may be guided aright & I think that soon all will come around right. I showed him your letter & I think perhaps you might better not write more to him about himself until after you see and talk with Calvin. He has been happy & useful here & will earn his living & all expenses & more when Summer is gone. His being here has been great company for me & I think it is all well.

No the stallion matter is not lowering at all as we arranged it & it is such a fine beautiful horse. So you want all to gather home at Christmastime. Well perhaps I can go. I really have no money to spend but perhaps circumstances may justify my getting it some way. A few weeks later I hope to be able to know more definitely of my plans & prospects & can then decide. Have Will & Annie promised to go?

I am so glad you saw Lillie graduate & that she has got a situation. Things go on very quietly here. My stomach is a little out of order, but I am not very busy now & do not expect to go out very much when the sun is so hot. My Sunday School has not seemed to [...] very well. Last Sabbath I did not feel well & so did not get there. I rec'd a letter from Lillie written from Mary Calbelts [?] will try & write to her soon - I enclose for you all at home there a picture taken a few weeks since

Kind regards to all the friends

With much love
Your son
J. L. Mateer