A Letter Written on May 27, 1881

[Paragraph breaks added for ease of reading.]

Wooster May 27th

My Dear Sister:

You are thinking strange you do not hear from me, and be assured it has not been that I have not thought about you. You have been ever in my heart and mind these busy days. Whilst I have been so busy and burdened with cares, I am having a seamstress and can only have her this week so I am straining every nerve to get all possible done. I have been fixing over old things marvellously, [sic] and it takes so much thinking. I went down street this morning to get for myself a black lawn but could not find anything I liked so came home with a calico instead. I am stealing a moment whilst waiting for it to get ready to be filled - then I must see Mrs Taylor on some feelings. I had a characteristic letter from Will this morning. He reports Anna coming East soon and she will make us a short visit says he expects to hear of mothers intention to sail for China next Fall, and this brings me to the point.

Monday afternoon - arrested in our cake baking by a terrible storm I will improve the time by writing to you. We are having quite a tea party to-morrow evening - some of the Senior students and a few others ten in all[.] It is a funny party.. Mrs Myers and we are going into partnership - she invites one student - Mr Forman whose father is in India (she was a missionary in India)[.] She thought it would be rather dry business for her to invite a young man and have him sit alone while she prepared tea for him.

But I must [get] to the important subject of your plans and prospects. I am at a loss to know what to say but I do not suppose my say would seriously affect your decision. The matter of breaking with Mirvin is past and and anything I might say now would not amount to anything. I do not know the reasons for the step but surely you would not take it unless they were sufficient. If you did him wrong you can hardly expect God's blessing on anything else you may consider to take for Him.

About your going to China - I cannot but have my misgivings. I have thought the matter over prayerfully and I will give just my views and conclusions, hoping you will receive them in the good faith in which they are given. In the first place I fear you are more influenced than you know by the fact of so many of your friends going. The whole thing throws a kind of glamour over the going which would be very pleasant and exciting no doubt. Then if Rob goes unmarried it looks all very pleasant for you to go with him, but suppose he gets married on the field and cuts you out of a pleasant home as Mr. Noyes of Canton did with his sister. Well you may marry too no doubt - but if you go away inland to a new station with him unless that Porter is left for you the chances will be slender. If you were of a different disposition and temperament so you could be happy single you could do more work no doubt. Then again, if you find teaching here so irksome how will you get along with missionary work which is far more irksome, if you are faithful in it.

Almost all the ladies who go to China break down in health. This is one side, the human outlook. On the other hand if you have counted the cost and think you can drink of the cup thus set before you, you are well qualified to do much good in China. Would you have broken your engagement with Mirvin all the same if this missionary matter had been wholly left out of the question?

If you decide to throw up your position in Steubenville how would it be for me to apply for it? I could not teach just what you have taught but that might be adjusted with other teachers. What would you think of my taking the girls there? I do not think I can go on this way another year - the work is too much. I would not like to put the girls in a boarding school alone but if I were with them it would be different. I have a kind of proposition in hand to go West and be "Lady Principal" of a College. It does not yet amount to a definite proposal but asking whether I would accept such a position. I am almost afraid to undertake it - too much responsibility I would rather go to Steubenville first till I get my hand in at least.

Let me know your decision as soon as you make it, and what you think of my going - or applying for the position would be a better way to put it.

Now I must go or there will be a general blockade in the work. It never goes unless my hand is on the wheel. I had a card from mother to-day she is not well at all. Agnes Reigert is coming out to Commencement and her papa too. Aunt Annie is coming along about the same time - not sure just when and Mrs Emmet [?] - a friend of mine in Freeport - so then are busy times ahead of us

With much love and hoping to hear from you soon

Ever affectionately
Sister Jennie.

The girls send love.