[Paragraph breaks added for ease of reading. This letter was written shortly after Robert graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary, when he travelled and visited family, and made final preparations to go to China. At this time he was visiting his brother, William, at Onarga, Ill. A well-written letter, including good content concerning his sister Lillie, who had just broken an engagement to be married, and is now expressing a desire to accompany Robert to China. The letter is unsigned, but is in Robert's handwriting, and appears to be complete.]Onarga May 13th. '81
Dear Mother:
I have now made quite a visit with Willie's: have enjoyed it ever so much. Tomorrow I go over to see Marquis to Minonk thence guess I shall go to Henry [Illinois] for a few days. After that I am not decided. I should like to go to the Gen. Assembly: but have not been able to make up my mind.
I have about decided to go to China single. At least I shall not go out of my way to find a wife.
So Lillie has closed accounts with Mervin. I just got a letter containing the news. It presents things in a new light. No doubt it will prove a blessing to both of them. With God's children nothing is a mistake. From her letter I think the best thing will be for her to get ready and go with us to China. She is bent on going & will not be happy at home. Now she will have so much pleasant company.
I know something about-Ind-Eng on train from Chicago to Crestline. I spent Sat. - Wed. with Marquis[.] Had a grand good time. Preached twice. Hope I did something in getting them interested in missions. Marquis is a grand man. Wed. went to Henry, got there on evening of their festival for Cong. Ch[urch]: so I met quite a no. of old friends. I made quite a no. of calls next day went to grave yard &c -
I am going to Crestline, thence to Cleveland. Shall be there until Monday morning then go on to Gen. Assembly. I made up my mind that I ought to attend there before I left. I shall let you know there when I make further plans
I have another letter from Lillie. I have been thinking about her a good deal and think more & more that she had better go with us. It will be pleasant for her in every way. I am sure she will be discontented at home. Of course you & all would rather see her married, but she will stand a far better chance of getting a good missionary husband there than here at home. It seems to be settled that she is going as a miss'y. - that being the case, I think it is plain that she should go at once. The sooner anyone gets at their life work the better. I think she will make a grand good miss'y. And surely you are ready to have her be where she can do the most good. I find many young ladies who are unhappy: they seem to think that they have no opportunity for doing work for the Master on a mission field. A young woman can make her life tell for souls. I shall talk the whole matter over with Dr. Ellinwood at Buffalo. Let us all pray that we may be led to a right decision in all these matters. I surely think that you will be better fixed at Willie's than any where else[.]
Mr Wilber will do grandly at Onarga, I am so glad that he has gone there. Uncles are well. Uncle is going to fix the ground round Father's grave[.]