[Some paragraph breaks added for ease of reading. Mary writes to her daughter Jennie, I presume, while staying with her son Willie and his wife Anna in Onarga.]Onarga Augt 3, 1886
My Dear Daughter
This is the first line I have attempted to write since I have been here my head has troubled me very much indeed so much fuss here all the time and my h[e]ad is very week. I spend most of my time watching the baby he watches his chance to get out of the yeard and run away up or down the street every man he meets he greets [?] as Pappa one young man said to him "not much young man" he is not afraid of anyone is learning fast to talk he entertains his Uncle Willie by the hour out in the yard he is real cute has been verry [sic] well all the time he is coughing some a cough is around which some think is whooping cough but the Doctor says it is not I hope he is right[.] Anna has taken Willie down to town come back and taken Lillie I have put the baby asleep ironed two or three articles of my own while Mary gets the dinner and now baby is calling me and I must go[.]
Saturday morning and my letter not finished on Wednesday we all went to Gillman in a two horse carriage to visit Mr Minards on invitation had a nice visit and a lovely ride. Thursday eve Lillie and myself with Horrace spent the afternoon with Jennie had a busy time keeping the baby in bounds upstairs[.] Jennie is very kind and pleasant Mrs Allen spent yesterday with us. All the Ladies of my acquaintance have called. Mr & Mrs Wilbur left for Cincinnatti [sic] on Monday for their vacation. I did nto hear that Grandma was gone until your letter came I hope she will be pleasant with the change no doubt the Dr will miss her as you all will hope you are feeling better suppose Nettie is looking forward to school & Mary to what a change you will have and how you will miss Nettie[.]
I think I must have forgotten to take my things out of the table drawer in my room at Mrs Porters as I do not see them it was full of letters writing paper magazines &c please inquire if they are take them home with you and keep them for me[.] I miss Horrie and all of you so much Anna has a colored girl and I do not pretend to do anything atall [sic] have no chance my head has troubled me very much since I have been here so that I am quite discouraged has the crops suffered in your bounds since I left Wooster for rain as in other places in
WoosterOhio I am thinking about Aunt Jane. Tell home to write me all about the wedding after it is over[.]Lillie has been pretty well she expects to go home next week one week earlier than she had intended on account of Horace having the whooping cough he is not bad as yet atall is learning to talk fast. Willie is improving goes to the store awhile every day but does not try to do anything has to sit with his Lame foot up on something all the time otherwise it becomes painfull [sic] he is going to Chicago to get a new stocking for it which he hopes will be an improvement the one he has hurts him, he scarcely thinks now that he will go to Wooster as just going on a visit. Letters from China report Julia improved she would stay in Chefoo two weeks & Robbie would go on to TungChow to Jeanie[.]
Dinner is ready do write to your loving Mother
Anna is as busy as a bee takes us all riding, and goes to town often[.] They have a pretty home and are delighted with it. Johnie does not know whether he will stay with them or not I am sorry for him. Much love to all the dear ones[.]