A Letter Written on Apr 29, [1873?]

[Some paragraph breaks added for ease of reading. The letter has no year date in the dateline, but is from circa 1873, when Mrs. Mateer lived at Monmouth, after moving from Henry, Illinois, and where Robert was attending college, before transferring to Princeton.]

Monmouth Ill Apr 29

My Dear Daughter

The time is here when your letter must be answered my time I think is pretty well occupied yet not as fully as yours you do manage to put a great amount of work &c through your hands well no doubt the rest will be sweet after so much toil I do not believe you will care to visit this sinstricken often after your spirit is released from its poor shattered tenement for my part I think the worship and the glories of heaven will have so many more attraction[s] for me than any earthly scene could have that I shall be perfectly satisfied to remain there in the presence of my Savior.

Last week a number of Ladies of our church met and organized a Womans Foreign Missionary Society they appeared to be quite unanimous in the effort they Elected officers and honored me with the office of President[.] Mrs. Matthews is President of the Miss[ionary] Sewing Society for home work which all appeared to think was enough for her to attend to. it [sic] was quite unexpected to me as I was a stranger I accepted the office simply because I feared the effort would prove a failure if I refused. I had talked the thing up rather quietly and do so wish to see it fairly started. today [sic] I was at the sewing society which meets every tuesday [sic] next tuesday being the first tuesday of the month our F Miss will meet when the committee who are canvassing the congregation will report.

What do you mean by studying your missionary lesson please explain I am glad you are getting on so well with your Society it does require considerable exertion to keep the interest up in the missionary cause even our church members know so little and care less about the heathen[.] Dr Matthews has not trained his people in this department of Christian work though he is quite anxious to see our organization started. I attended Sabbath School last Sabbath and propose attending in the future I do so love to study the Bible, and encourage the children we all attend there is quite a good school I think I do so enjoy my church privileges we get such good sermons Dr Matthews is an extra man.

A short time since a Miss Jacobs called to see us for her mother who could not walk so far. they [sic] are from Ohio near Mrs Gilead and were well acquainted with Calvin and Julia both he attended the funeral of the husband and father who was very much attached to Calvin they all appear to think very highly of both Calvin and Julia and cannot say enough in their praise. Father had to visit them at once I must go this week they are members of our church another sister is married to a Lawyer who is practicing law here they are an excelent [sic] family and living quite comfortably.

Last week I had a letter from Johnie he was quite well and getting on nicely he writes me such good and satisfactory letters they are such a comfort to me. I often think how blessed I am my children and how very thankful and grateful I should be and now that my hearts desire in getting these younger ones educated is being granted and thus fitted for usefullness wherever the Lord may see proper to call them what more could I wish yes, I wish Horrie and Lillie to be converted and I believe the Lord will grant me this favor also ere long. they [sic] are both here beside me studying their Latin lesson and making speeches between times. Lillie thinks you will get some Latin in this letter certainly.

Some of the Ladies have called on me since coming here I think there are many excelent [sic] women in this church, they have started a Female Prayer meeting but Mrs Mattews is not the mover she is a good woman but lives out of town and has a large family and quite a worker at home they do their own work and of course have their share of company have four daughters all nearly grown up and two or three little boys one son a young man is at chicago [sic] he and one sister belong to the first wife who was a sister of Dr Martin of Peking China. I have just written a long letter to Mrs Wierman, and must write to Johnie this week today I cut out a pair of pants for father and want to make them tomorrow he is going to Henry before long to see after his money matters I dread to have him go, as Home is so hard to manage when he is absent. Lillie is anticipating a visit to Henry too during vacation.

Mr. Winns children Tommy and Hattie are going to Japan this summer Tommy is going to teach in Dr Browns school and Hattie is going on a visit for her health I presume and a change after loosing [sic] her mother. Father thinks Mr Winn will probably get married again some day. I do not know it is hard to tell what absurdities a minister will perpetrate when occasion offers[.]

Father is trying to buy a cow for us but has not succeeded as yet I hope he will soon as we need the butter and milk so much, as it is I find it very hard to get variety enough for the table to satisfy all it is new business for father to buy everything we eat he never done it before we expect to have some garden if we can get it made as we have had so much rain all through April[.] I want to make soap next week.

I am sorry to hear of Mr Henderson being unwell so frequently. You did not mention the young Parsons name in your last letter which was quite an offence [sic] as his Grandfather always inquires for him so I hope you will not neglect hereafter to inform us of the welfare of the young Gentleman as we are all interested in him also the girls we want to hear of them all every time[.] I presume Mary will soon be Miss Henderson in all her dignity I do hope Nellies eyes will get well again.

Well now I must close, as all have retired and quiet reigns in the house. I hear the cars passing we are near the railroad. Willies expected to go to housekeeping the first of May, hoping to hear from you and soon very affectionately

Your Mother

Much Love to Mr H and all the little folks.