A Letter Written on Jun 25, 1875

[Some paragraph breaks added for ease of reading. This letter is written by Samuel M. Henderson to his mother-in-law, Mrs. Mary N. Mateer. Henderson writes for his ailing wife, Jennie, and tells how they have hired a "colored girl", and speaks of Lily, Jennie's sister, who was a Mount Holyoke alum.]

Wilkinsburgh Pa
June 25, 1875

Dear Mother:

write you a brief note, to enclose Calvin's letter which came to hand a day or two ago [no longer with this letter]. We had the card sent back from Buffalo, yesterday morning. Glad to hear that you got so far in safety. He that keepeth thee will not slumber. 'The Lord is thy Keeper'.

Jennie is improving, but slowly. She is very weak, and cannot gain strength very rapidly. She will not be able to go the 'Sheltering Arms' today. We had an invitation to go to Uniontown the first week in July, to address a Missionary meeting and preach on the Sabbath. I would like very much indeed to spend a few days there by the mountain, but I guess we cannot go.

Lily and I were at the High School Commencement last night in the city. We are desirous of hearing how you got on to Castile, and how you are situated.

We have engaged a girl, who will be here Monday - a colored girl. She was here, & ironed yesterday. Jennie likes her appearance & work very much. All send love to Grandma. Hoping you are safe & happy this morning, I am your affec. son

S. M. Henderson