A Letter written on Nov 18, 1921

Sheffield Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry
Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut

November 18th, 1921.

Professor Abby H. Turner,
Mt. Holyoke College,
South Hadley, Mass.

My dear Dr. Turner:

One of my boyhood friends whom I have always admired very much - - Rev. Dr. Marvin J. Thompson, now of Oakwood Ave. Presbyterian Church, Troy, N.Y., has entered his daughter, Miss L. Madeline Thompson, at Mt. Holyoke. I am not acquainted with the young woman as intimately as I am with her distinguished father but I feel confident that if she exhibits even in a slight degree the charming parental traits, she will become a worthy student in your institution. I am taking the liberty, therefore, of asking you, as one of my Mt. Holyoke friends, to extend a word of advise [sic] and encouragement to Miss Thompson (who is, I think, quartered in Meade [sic] Hall) if a suitable opportunity arises; and to assure her of your willingness to be a help to her in any way that your unique position at Mt. Holyoke may permit. I know your generosity in such directions as well and I appreciate so throughly what a privilege it would be for the young woman to enjoy your friendship in some degree, that I am making this somewhat unusual request because of the interest I have in the parties concerned.

With cordial personal greetings in which Mrs. Mendel joins me, I am

Very truly,
Layfayette B. Mendel