A Letter Written on Sabbath afternoon, probably around 1845

[Some paragraph marks added for ease of reading.]

Sabbath afternoon

Dear Sister

it [sic] has snowed here all the morning, I have been on the bed crying with the teeth ache but Miss Pray [?] has given me some oil of Clove which m has cured it so that I am sitting up in bed and writing, I received the things with the apples they were much pleased with them did not complain of the price Mr Kent says it is no trouble at all to Mr Cady he says he boarded him cheap so that he might get his provisions for him and do errands for him and he whud [?] as soon have him do errands for me. When I was going to take my lesson yesterday at 11 oclock, I was going up Wash. St, some one came along behind me and called me by name I looked around and saw that it was Jerome he said he was going home Tuesday so I thought if I sent by him it would be more direct. I xx I ho shall comence [sic] this week with three lessons a week Mr Webb thinks I had better take three a week, he is very pleasant I like him very much, I take a lesson Monday at 8 in morning Wednesday and Sat. at 11. I have not taken any singing lessons yet my voice is not sufficiently clear. I do not find much time to practice anything much but my lessons he gives me long ones, to try me and see how much I can learn -

I have sold my muff for 2 dollars to a girl who boards here, If you think I sold it to[o] cheap you can tell me I can have it back again, Mrs Clark told me that there were several there who wanted muffs and they were going to get them together where they were manufactured and it would be a good chance for me to get one, she & [?] they would let us have eight dollar ones for four I do not care about it one way or the other if you I want you to write you immediately what you think best about it if you think I am going to get through too soon I do not wish or intend to hear [?] my lessons I find I cannot run at any moment I practice 6 hours. Mr Webb told me to and as much more as I could. Mrs Kent think[s] four is as much as I ought to practice, I told her Mr Webb was particular to inquire if I practiced 6 hours she thought it was too much however I shall keep on 6 hours, if I keep on 3 lessons a week I shall get through in a little more than three weeks, what money I have got will just pay for my board and tuition, I shall not have any to pay my fare home they wont let me come on Cadys account again at least I wont ask him to take me,

you need not let the men see this now be sure, but we have had curious times here this last week, Mr Kent owes the Grocer here on the corner quite a sum he xx put a keeper in to watch the furniture, an old stinking tobacco chewer who stationed himself in the parlor and would not step into any other room his wife brought him some breakfast which he ate in the parlor on the center table and there I had his company for three days they managed to get him out Mr K says they can't get anything for everything they buy is mortgaged back and the rest belongs to Glidden. Mrs Kent has to day sent up plates teaspoons knives, forks, to one of the boarders to lock up in her trunk, I do'nt know how they will make out about it, Mrs Clark had returned to Newton before I received your letter she invited me to come and see her, you did not write whether I selected the right shade of worsted, or whether all the better [?] clothes were there, I sent Mr Bliss money up by Cady who handed it to Collins please write if they have received it, send me my sumer bonnet ts morning and your silk patchwork, Miss Rugg [?] is going to give me some silk pieces and show me another way and she wants to see your way. do not fail to send these things especially my bonnet trimming you can send the box back which I sent home put in a few apples but not but a few these are not gone yet I do not eat many myself. I give them to the boarders and children[.]

I have had no trouble yet hope I shall have none, I have put my dress together myself Miss Rugg showed me how, you say Miss Briggs sent me a letter I should like very much if you would send it if found the one I wrote you in the one you sent me, what do you think I want of that old thing, you tell Afred [sic] that I am sorry it so happened that I must be away when he is there, but he must content himself as well as he can until I come home, you know no one enjoys themselves at our house unless I am there, write how Mrs Bowers is Mrs Clark was very anxious to hear from her I told her when I came that her old complaints troubled her again my candy that I brought with me had a warm time when I got here it was all melted together but by means of finger and teeth and also with childrens help we are able to dissect it. Amelia is greatest pig I ever saw, she ate almost all the apples I gave them I gave them some more Mrs Kent said she should not have them and now she teases the whole time for more, I show her on the Piano she wont [do] any exercises nothing but Waltzs, I let her do as she likes.

Monday night - I do not know whether it is best to send this or write another but as it is rather late I cant have time to copy. I have just completed Aunt Marys Boots; the worsted held out better than yours, and I knit some good long ancles. how does that wedding come on I suppose I must loose that, however weddings are of but very little consequence to me write me this week - if convenient put it in a bundle and hand to Cady, how does Ma do, you must have a great deal more to do now Alfred has come. I knew it would be so however I must come home and wait on him, my lessons will do me but little good if I cannot practice when I get through, Mr Webb has an instrument which is to limber the joints I practice upon that after I take my lesson. I do Mrs Kent is very kind to me indeed, sent me up my dinner yesterday. I had the teeth ache and old complaints, I have been practicing, giving have showed Amelia more than an hour she learns quit easy

Tuesday morn, I cannot stop to write much this morn, I rise every morning and am dressed ready to practice as soon as it is light. I want to hear very much whether I am going to Long Island, if not I must contrive to practice somewhere when I get home or else my lessons will be of no use to me

Thalia wants me to give her lessons I think I shall, she is a very pretty girl, talks a great deal about going up to W next summer, Alden says he is going to see Brainards ducks, I do not know when Mrs Kent will come it is almost impossible for her to leave home write me how you get along and affairs at home, who rules the roost,

[Not signed, but as far as I can tell, Dorcas had only one sibling, a sister named Flora. Another letter I have by this same hand was written in Oct 1845 and speaks also of the toothache and of getting teeth pulled to fix the problem, so this letter may be six months or seven months earlier, when it was still cold enough to snow.]