Mt. Holyoke College
S. Hadley Mass.
Feb. 3, 1920.Dear Richard:-
Happy birthday and many of them! [Richard was turning 15 years old in 1920.] Wish I could be there to say it but I'll be taking a Psychie exam instead. I wish I had something nice to send you but I havn't [sic] been able to get to town. You and I will have a private celebration of our own later. I inclosed the snap shots for you. [no longer with the letter] Let me know if you'd like some more. I think they are great. How did you like those of the Retty? [?]
Chem exam is over, and it was the worst exam I ever took - 7 questions and I could not do 2 at all. Hope I didn't flunk - I have studied so hard this last week I am pretty nearly studied out to tell the truth. This p.m. Zoo is my delight -
me any hour.These crazy girls living around here are raising the roof in here. One of them got some cold tongue and cookies from home and as we've been having hash straight for 4 days Sunday included, we fell to it. Our room is a mess of crumbs.
Ruth and I have started a garden today - we bought 2 chinese litly [sic] bulbs and set them out in a dish of pebels [sic] this noon.
How goes it with Edith and Susie? Much excitement? You might squander a letter or two on me you know.
Will you ask mother if she wants me to get her some sugar - I can get some for 23¢.
One snow up here has gone a lot today. I'm hoping for some skating. Is there any home? If there is I'll send you mine so let me know. I doubt if we have any at all so you can have them.
Be good now even if you have grown ancient -
With love,