A Letter written on Mar 8, 1865

[Original has no paragraph marks; some added here for ease of reading.]

Danvers March 8th/65

Dear Clara,

You'd think it was a man's writing if you did not know would'nt you? Received your letter with pleasure. Why don't you write oftener? I'll say a word or two about examinations then to your questions. One side and the one front of the room is pretty well filled; not crowded. At the desk you may see three Rev's; viz Rici, Lerned & Henry. Also "Uncle Rufus," your father & the never forgotten "Nat."

I wish I could write finer; once in a while I can. I will send you an order of exercises also the parting hymn written by our Flora. Three girls & two boys were appointed to write it & no one but Flora attempted it. I guess she wanted it bad enough as she told Alice Swinerton the day she was chosen that she had it partly written & Alice says "Why you must have written it before chosen" then she turned it off & said she felt like writing poetry one day & so did & guessed she should take it. Mr Hills and Miss Smith called Jennie Butler up and asked her to write it, after Flora had handed hers in, but Jennie would'nt & so they had to have it. I tell Melia she'll write it next year. I dont think we have a hostess in our class to-morrow & next day I'll write more about this.

What a lecture you gave me. I was nearly frightened. Hattie is sick with diptheria. Mon mother said she did not expect her to live but she is much better now, at least seems so. Jennie Butler goes to Andover to school in two weeks, where Emily Fellows is. Cad Learoyd, Ettie Smart, Mary Hobbs & Lucy Webb (not Webb now) sit in front of desk. Ettie is making tatting Cad was a little while ago. Edn[a?] Spofford is to be married in April. Some say she is good, others bad. "Nellie Snell" I hope the former.

I saw George Palmer last night, but did not bow Carrie (Ropes) did. I have'nt seen him this long while, & hate him. Lucin keeps the books in a hoop-skirt store at Salem. I dont know where Joe is Providence I guess. Lucin was there a fortnight ago. You never saw him I believe. I know you would like him, if he is homely: you would'nt notice that when acquainted. Will Whitridge (the fellow May Weston got acquainted with on the cars) & Parker Briant were down to the dance last week. I liked them very well, what I saw of them. I've heard they were kind of shallow. Will is handsome. Insult me by saying our natures are alike. Ha! Ha! Ha!

I suppose I should like So Hadley as well as any, but I believe I dont like any school very well. If you were there I might like it. I'll be 18 when out of this wooden box & then I'll feel too old. Was'nt that a cute story about the hat at So Hadley. Was it true? I wish I could step in & see you & stay all night. I have not the least doubt, but what we'd have a good time, & a jolly talk. When you come home I want you to come down, spend the day, all night & longer if you will. You must if you dont I'll be vexed. Will that do any good?

Very smart for a girl of your age. I hope you did'nt hurt yourself doing your hood. Is your son-tag in the same state of negligence? Melia said the other day she did not know she cared so much for you until you went to So Hadley. Is it the same with you? I guess neither Caddie Ropes nor I will ever forget Walt C- in May. I saw him a few weeks ago.

I did not attend the gymnasium, but went in last Sat; liked it very well. I wish you would answer that notice; just for fun. How queer. Last summer I answered one & recd two letters; did not hear again until last week Monday. He is in Ohio. I should laugh if he wrote to you. I'll tell him too your name is Nellie Moulter[.] He has been a prisoner two months. The reunion next week Friday. When we meet we'll have a talk. I must stop for now. 29 in this P.M.


Thursday A.M. Mar/65

Carus Clara,

If you believe it I never knew the meaning for "dear" before yesterday. 19 here this A.M. 10 minutes of two 53 here. I went down to the door this noon & your father drove up & I took out Mamie: she is now sitting between Melia & I. I said to her, I'm writing to Clara, don't you want to send your love or a kiss & she said "No" I asked her twice, but I received the same answer. Flattering!

This forenoon I came in from recess & opened my Geometry; (55 here now) soon I looked & it was open to Book 1st Prop 19th I studied on it &, was'nt it queer I drew that one, but did not have to explain it but part of Prop 11th Book 4th & did not fail. Annie Waldron had Prop 8th Book 1st & as she could not say it (57 now) took the 2d. Mr Hills came up to her & said "Which one did you have? (2d) Where is your paper? "Ive lost it" then he said I did not give out the 2d & went of. [sic]

Lizzie Hunt has a new piano; a splendid one. I will send you a order of exercises & the "parting hymn" Ev Fellows has on another new dress (58 now Cad Learoyd just came in) covered with velvet, & it is so tight she can hardly breathe. I think it is wicked to lace as some do. Jennie Butler has a terrible tooth-ache. (59 here now) Flora has on a blue net & she looks like a _ _ shall I say it? well I will "fool" & a black dress & red cap! her compo is "Woman's Mission" very deep. Eliza Andrews sets down in front "spectator" as natural as life. (62 now) Just over Caesar & my compo. (65 now) I had it 64 first when I looked up & saw Joe Woodman

Miss Mudge just called to read her compo. We have had a great time this winter with Philapaene (I dont how to spell it) John Chandler's sister is here with Eunice Gray (J. goes with E.) she went to school until she was 16 when she had a baby & then was married; she is now 20! her child (son) lived 3 years. Julia & Alice Swinerton have on new dresses to day brown, with a magenta stripe real pretty & I never saw them look so well. Kate Webb has on a green trimmed with green velvet - real handsome; splendid. Dan Putnam is now spouting. I guess you'll be sick of this & never want me to write again. I've run every one down & up too. Please write before you come home (72 now)

By the way C-, do you remember a year ago come Sat? Over to school Liz & I rode up to D- Centre with you & walked back? Stop until to-morrow. Mamie thinks this envelope is real pretty. Eddie Stimpson came home from sea this week; goes back in 4 or 8 weeks.

Melia showed me a picture of the Seminary this A.M. It is real pretty I dont know but I'd like to go there if not so old! when Melia does. It is a pretty picture for an album. I had a real handsome one at New Years - long one.

Friday 10.25 A.M.


It rained all day yesterday like "60" & is now. Tyra Gould brought me to school this morn. This is the last day. 31 here now I think they have hada very god number, considering the weather. Mr Hills most cried right out a few minutes ago, but he wiped away the tears. His house is for sale so I guess his shadow will not haunt any one next term. Miss Smith looks real pretty; has on a blue dress with white trimmings & white bow. (beau) Abbie Cass is engaged to a Mr Marsh; he is fine looking. He is thinking of being a minister; knew him 3 months maybe 4. I wish it would clear up & you wish I'd step so as I like to oblige my friends I will sign myself nothing but


Write soon & long. I'll tell you about this P.M. in next l. 3 more come in.


Lizzie Hunt has a party next week or week after. Carrie Ropes & Liz Hunt send love

[separate sheet of paper]

Wed P.M.

Reading 1st Div - - Senior
1st Div English Grammar - - Junior
Chemistry - - Senior
[margin note:] 2 compo's read & 2 pucis [?], spoken this A.M.
2nd Div Algebra - - Junior
Latin Reader - - "

Thurs A.M.

1st Div. Reading - - Junior
Anatomy - - "
Physical Geography - - Middle
Geometry - - Middle
2d Div Reading - - Junior

2d Div Reading - - Senior
Caesar - - Middle
[margin note:]After Caesar Em Pope, M Strew Melia Mudge compo's N Colcored Geo Putnam & Charlie Smith speak, James Perry, D. Putnam
Virgil - - Senior
2d Div English Grammar - - Junior
Surveying - - Senior

Friday P.M.

Reading - - Middle
French - - Senior
Philosophy - - Middle
Algebra 1st Div Junior
Geology - - Senior
National Hymn - 40th page of Harpof [?] Judah
Wing - - 126th " " " " "
O give me the wings of a dove 43d " " " " "
The angels call - - 205th " " " " "
Again we've met - - 37th " " " " "
Rally round the flag boys
Parting Hymn
& one or two out of Hymn Book.

[separate page, printed not hand written like the rest of this letter]

Holten High School.

Parting Hymn,
By a Member of the Senior Class.
Danvers, March 10, 1865.

Twilight shades are gathering o'er us,
    Evening shadows drawing near;
But sunset rays are gilding still,
    Hours that mark the closing year.

Past its ev'ry joy and blessing;
    Past its ev'ry hope and fear;
Vanished all its bright tomorrows,
    With their pleasures ever dear.

Crimson stained the southern soil,
    There the young and brave lie low,
But secure in school we've studied
    With no fear of hostile foe.

Time and place may rudely widely part us
    From these dear familiar scenes;
We may never see each other
    Save in fancy's fleeting dreams.

In the fairer realms of heaven
    Where the Saviour reigns so blest,
May we all at last assemble
    And enjoy eternal rest.

There through countless, endless ages,
    May we sing redeeming love;
Teachers, scholars, reunited,
    With the angel bands above.

Salem Gazette Press.