Braintree Aug 11th 1864
Dear Helen
Not having heard from you for quite a while I thought I would write you one more letter before commenced going to school, which I expected was today but am very glad it did not because we are having a fine rain, and it would not be very pleasant for the first day. Our school is to commence on Wednesday. We are going to have a new teacher from New Hampshire his name is Porter. Mr. Marble has left to teach a school in East Boston where he could have a salary of $1500. and he had only $800. here. A very good reason I think; don't you I suppose you are going to school this week at South Hadley.
I hope your health is better than it was when I was there, for you will enjoy it better if you are well. Sister sends her love, and says the young lady (Miss Reed) that she spoke to you about as attending school at South Hadley, has been obliged to give
itup going as her sister is quite sick, and she will remain at home this winter. Sister hopes you will enjoy yourself very much, and not be homesick. Last Thursday I went to Newport with father mother & sister and had a very pleasant time[.] We started from home a little before eight Oclock AM & went to a South Braintree xx to take the Newport train. We arrive there little after 11 Oclock AM. Father was acquainted with a gentleman that went with us to the principle places of attraction[.]We went first to the Jewish Synagogue, which was founded by Truro a Jew, it is a very ancient building but kept in good repair. We then went to the Jewish Cemetery, where there are a great many beautiful flowers, the cemetery is very small though very pretty. The next place we visited, was the Redwood Library, a place of great interest. It was founded by Abm Redwood. There are a great many books, portraits,
& ancient& curiosities which were brought from foreign countries. The old mill is a place of interest. It is built of stone and round at the top, the arches are covered with woodbine, and trumpet flower. There is a high fence built around it so no one can touch it. The Naval Academy is opposite, there are about 800 young men there. And if you wish to see a place where extravagance, show and fashion is displayed you must go upon thedrivedrive from 4 until 8 Oclock P.M. But enough of this. All send love. Hoping you will enjoy yourself at school I remain your true friendS. B. Sherman.
Please give a kiss to Melie & Mary.