A Letter written on Jan 25, 1911

Woodbury, Jan - 25 - 1911 -

Dear Mary -

I see I have found the larger paper but no envelopes - It is so beautiful out of doors that is if you look upward and outward - rather muddy downward -if it had not been for that I would have gone to Westville I am trying to do a little visiting this month and next. Yesterday Miss Gladding and I were invited to bring out sewing and spend the afternoon with Miss Jones we had just a real nice time, I thoroughly enjoyed it - the others told you that I went to Tilberts. [?] Uncle Charles was pretty well but so very feeble he does not come out of his room but to meals he was in quite a reminiscent mood - and told one - this - that his father owned what is now Telford Inn at Mantua and also a landing on the creek - it was a store property the Inn, I mean and when he grew up his father wanted him to take it but store keeping did not appeal to him - his father built a vessel, which he named Mulberry because all the upper part was made of mulberry wood the heavy part being made of timber hauled from the Horseheads - this vessel he sold to a man named Thompson who did did [sic] a big trading business between the country about here and the West Indies, in a terrible storm off Thompson's Point from the shore this man saw three of his vessels go down this mulberry among them - just as this time - Daniel Webster was in Congress at the time the bankrupt law was passed Thompson took advantage of it and Grandfather lost was never paid for the vessel at least but a small part - and, he told me of the old trees about the old home, seemed very glad that Wilson was Governor and that the Philadelphia people were going to enlarge the Y.W.T.U. [?] work and hoped they would get the one million dollars they are aiming for already over from hundred thousand has been submitted [?] - P.A.B. Widener giving $100,000 -

I expect you have had some snow - we woke up Sunday morning and saw the ground white and it snowed all day. Carrie and Harriet came in after s.school and stayed to supper we had the annual roast -

Wayne is working on the yearly statement of the ice plant at home, father helped him yesterday and went to Atlantic City to-day.

A Church meeting has been called for next Wednesday evening, I do not see what for - for there is no choice only Dr. Manning that we could consider at all - Gladys had a letter from Mary Roberts at Swarthmore they are busy with exam. and are given hot beef tea between meals.

What has happened at Wellesley, the papers are full of "skits" about the girls their engagement rings etc. -

Wayne's Technical World has come and has such scientific discoveries in it as bringing the dead to life - Pulling the earth's molars - trees etc -

To-morrow we will have our Missionary meeting at Mrs. Kucher's [?] - this Jubilee year which is being celebrated all over by all denominations - in Philadelphia from Feb-11-to-14 there is to be a grand time - but I do not think there will be much chance for outsiders to enjoy it.

Our own meeting to bring in our taxes will be held on the sixteenth -

Our Cactus has been and is very pretty - it has now about six out and a number of buds - Mr Rush's bulbs do not progress very rapidly Peter says his are out a beautiful red flower. The Chinese lily is in bloom.

They expect to bring Mr. Brown [?] home this week and Howard Clift came last Saturday - we enjoyed your letter and were glad you were having a little time to skate - all the Betty Wales books are in the library the one Rush brought home is Betty Wales and Co- after her college days are over - Almost February and soon March - father wishes it was May -

Mrs. Thackard [?] was in bed a few days but is better now -

Mother -