So. Had. Falls. Jan. 29. '74.
My Dear Allan -
Thursday night again and here I am in the same place - writing to you - that I was one week ago to-night.
Wish you were here this blessed minute - have so much to say and can talk a great deal faster than I can write.
Am sorry you were so nearly frozen when you reached home Sunday night. Did you take an addition to your cold? If so, fancy you are sick this week, although you did not write of feeling unwell.
I came back Monday. A.M. as I expected & certainly thought I should freeze crossing the bridge. Had no extra shawl and Frank - was over with the open sleigh.
Em. came to attend Mrs. Judd's funeral yesterday & reported Lydia sick. She seemed well when I left her.
The family here have been on their good behavior since my return. Have attempted to joke a little but it did not amount to much. Do not believe it will be best for us to see each other as frequently as we have done. Not what I care one iota for their jokes but I do not wish to have my friends made fun of; they are altogether too dear to me for that, and Mr. A's family are great cases to make fun of people. They are also exceedingly curious and I do not care to gratify that propensity, if it can be avoided.
Do not think by this that I do not want to see you often for I do ever so much, but our love will not grow any less if we do not meet every week.
Allan, will you please forgive me if I ask you - whenever you do come - to ring the door bell instead of entering the house so unceremoniously and familiarly as you have been in the habit of doing. I do not think Mrs. A. likes it and it would please me better not to have you do so. Do not be vexed please. at my presuming to speak of this - shall feel dreadfully if you are. You know I would not speak of it otherwise than in a friendly way, and if I did not love you should not mention it at all. There are I think certain forms and customs in society that one must observe in order to appear well-bred. They are little things in themselves but you know character is made up of little things and every act of true politeness - however small helps form it. Allan dearest - you have the elements of a true and noble man - Loved and knowing this as I do - can you wonder that in my love for you I have spoken this freely. Perhaps I am more particular than some about little things - but I do admire so much politeness in every particular - in a gentleman. But I will not sermonize longer on this topic.
Another week is nearly gone. The end of the term will soon be here. only five weeks now.
Have had company this P.M. for a wonder.
Am invited to take part in the Literary meetings this winter but think I will not accept. Suppose you are having a nice time this week at the upper end of the street. Wish you much joy. Have attended the church prayer meeting this week - the first this winter - my not being at church last Sabbath occasioned some talk. Mary Mathews sent to inquire if I had run off with you. Mr. M. inquired of some one to day if I was alive. Guess people think I am not as much of a church goer as I used to be.
Of course you will attend tho' - what do you call it? tomorrow evening. Hope you will have just as good a time as you can this winter -
But it is getting late and you know I am no friend to late hours. Hope
sto hear from you Monday. Mr. A. thinks the letters are quite frequent.Well he
hdoesn't have to pay postage and hedidn'tneedn't grumbleAnd now - with love as ever -
Good night and God bless and keep you.