Friday A.M. Recess -
Seminary of learning.Will make another attempt to write you to day. if I can collect my ideas in the midst of these little screech owls.
You will observe I have more than one pet-name for my scholars. They are all applicable too. Have been training their voices - lately - splendid success. They can sing as high as I without the least difficulty. Think with a little more training they will be able to go still higher.
Well, after so much by way of prelude will switch off on to another track.
Firstly will inform you that I am not sick this morning. my head aching only a little.
Did you reach Holyoke safely? Was worried for fear a hobgoblin would carry you off. Hope you did not come in contact with any such animan. [?] Isn't it a beautiful morning. Enough to do one's heart & gizzard good. Think we shall get used to unpleasant weather if there is much more.
P.M. My poor head does ache to day. but do not attribute it to late hours & sick. Am afraid it is nearly worn out. think I would sell it for two cents.
Am real glad I saw you yesterday think I feel more satisfied with that interview than with any previous one. It is my most earnest desire that nothing may [ruin] our plans for the future. but that our fondest hopes may be realized. We will not now in our newly found joy. think of any clouds in the distance
[unsigned but appears to be by Jennie]
[A second sheet is included; this first paragraph is on one side]
It is recess and I will scribble a few lines while the little scalawags are out airing. Am having quite a full school this week. 50 or more
[On the flip side, appears to be an English lesson unrelated to the letter:]
The same bond Mother bent at night.
The ag. him, Mother.
same " " "
bond " " "
Mother nom. cova. [?] 3d sin. Nom case.
subj of Bent. (Rule 1)Bent. verb. reg. intrans. indic. past. 3d sim. [?] and ag with mother. (Rule 4)
at Prep. and con. [?] Bent and night. (Rule 13).
night. noun. am. 3rd sin. Obj case
obj of the prep at. (Rule 8).