Naugatuck Methodist Church
Naugatuck, ConnecticutRev. William M. Nesbit, Ph.D., Minister
15 Frederick Street
Phone 4236Greetings to Hon. Child;-
Thank you very much for my birthday present. I think I shall get thrills from both books, as Oppenheim is generally exciting. The valentines also arrived right on the dot -- and we liked them. Don't worry about the 8 lbs. Remember that a tendency towards over-weight-ness is a family characteristic. Moreover a few good stiff walks will probably pull the weight down again.
Don't be bothered because the grades are not As -- yet. Your Pop isn't worried one bit. History and French on the level; Physics and Greek above the level. And this is your first semester in College where one has to get his whole brain readjusted. I am delighted that you have stood the racket, weathered the storm etc., etc. Now that you have learned the ropes, I anticipate that things will go more smoothly. The beginning of the Freshman year is regularly the low point.
Tell Sally about the time that my friend Dougherty started to say to me: "Hill is a swell duck" -- but the words I heard were: "Swill is a ............"
It was too bad that the Pope had to die just now; because he really was championing righteousness against the dictators. He was a brave old man. The poem about F.D.R. was lovely.
We certainly are busy with the Anniversary. Today Mr. Neary gave me $25 towards it. What do you think of that?
I am enclosing the blanks which should be sent on to the Board of Education P.D.Q. -- instanter. The figures of expenses etc. you can probably remember -- or perhaps you can copy them from the blank you filed with Miss Voorhees. Do not delay. I am enclosing stamped envelop[e] in which to send them on to Chicago.
Lotions of love
From adoring Parents --
Pop.February 17, 1939.
There are 4 blanks. One is all ready. The green one is all done except #9.
[This is the only enclosure still existent with the letter.]