Rev. William M. Nesbit
15 Frederick Street
Naugatuck, ConnecticutDearest Betsey;-
We certainly have had some weather down this way -- and I gather from the "raddio" [sic] that you have had some of the same. I am anxious to hear from you all about the "busting" of the dam at South Hadley and about the evacuation of Hadley, et cetera et cetera. With the tree-branches crashing around us and a wind that people could hardly stand up against and the rain driving in sheets that you could not see thru -- it surely did remind me of that famous day in Hurlock when poor James Andrews' canteloups [sic] went to destruction. Now you can say that you have experienced two tropical hurricanes. Why go to the South Seas -- when the South Seas come to us!!
Just at the present moment everybody is standing up on his, her, or its, toes -- to get the news from Czechoslovakia. Is it war, or is it war? At any rate, no matter what, it is what General Sherman said that war is. -------------? (10 points for this answer)
Have you sent that blank to Dr. Burgwin? You know he wants it right away.
Mama is feeling fine -- ego similiter. Every now and then the family procession visits the garage to inspect the calico kitten. It is an exact replica of its ma. Of course Brownie and Andrew do not approve.
We are awaiting news from Our Child with vast eagerness.
Multo cum amore --
Papa.Sep. 23/38.