Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
230 Portsea Street
New Haven, Conn.My own dear little girl;--
We arrived home last night in good time. The roads were clear and the traffic light. We were a couple of happy parents indeed. We went to bed and slept well and this morning went to Watertown. He said we had not given the medecine [sic] a fair chance and I do not have to go again until Monday. He said there was no reaction and there must be no miniature Chocolates. Decided that what seemed a reaction must have been just nerves. I feel fine. Yesterday's visit was good medecine for me as well as you. This afternoon I went to the Ladies Aid Meeting and the folks were anxious to hear about you. They were so pleasant. Not a cross word. Quite some contrast, to last winter. I am writing this letter while Papa is down at Church telling the folks that the rehearsal is off and we will have the regular music with Mrs. Paul at the Piano instead of the organ. Papa went to the Fidelity Bible Class Supper and I stayed home to answer the phone. They had 3 kinds of beans, 2 kinds of macaroni, cold-slaw with a very sweet dressing, two kinds of cake and coffee. Papa said that he did enjoy the coffee. Papa has just come back for this letter and then he goes back to the church for the Sunday School Board.
Here's a heap of love from the two,
In hate,
Mamma.P.S. The regular time to take the Bouroughs -- Welcome is just before retiring BUT if you feel squirmy in the morning do NOT take it at night but immediately upon arising. Please try it, if necessary, and tell me how it works.
Perfect number.