A Letter Written on Nov 2, 1938

The Methodist Episcopal Church
Naugatuck, Connecticut

Nov. 2, 1938.

My own dear little girl;;--

Papa is eating his supper, he has School to-night, and I am taking the opportunity to write a few lines. Papa had quite some difficulty in getting home yesterday. He had two more flats after he left you and didn't get home until about four o'clock in the afternoon. He phoned me that he had had a flat in his spare and would be delayed and then his spare had another -- I wasn't worried for he had phoned. He got another Silver-town so we are O.K. again. I have been busy all day with the house-work and Dr. Devereaux changed my appointment until to-morrow. So I will go at 2.30. Didn't we have a wonderful time? Amos and Andy are at it (Cream of mushroom soup --- to-night). Did you see about the terrible time there was in the U.S. on account of the Radio Program that was on at the same time as Charlie McCarty. I am sorry that we didn't hear it. Read the clippings carefully (i [sic] have enclosed them) % [sic] It seems almost incredible that such a thing could have happened. But people are jittery.

Papa is ready so I will close. Good-night with a big kiss,


P.S. He is still talking about Cream of Mushroom Soup.

[The clippings mentioned are no longer with this letter.]