Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
230 Portsea Street
New Haven, Conn.My own dear little girl;--
Papa and I were very glad to get the nice newsy letter that came in this afternoon's mail. Letters are wonderful things. I have had a busy Sunday. Taught, had two solos and a duet in the anthem, got the lunch, did the dishes and before I knew it, it was time for Epworth League. I was the speaker on "The young folks in Heathen Lands". After E.L., we commenced our Evening Services. E.L. at 6.30. Evening service at 7.30 It makes a long hard day. It rained on and off all day. I am sorry that we have to have an evening service. The League was growing nicely but at the earlier hour we have fewer out. Papa says that if it does not work out we will not have the evening service. It will take a few Sundays to see how things go. Last night, we had 25. Pictures on Bolivia. The folks liked them. Mrs. Neary is home from the hospital. Mr. Neary, their daughter, and Mrs. Neary ate some clams at the shore. They all had ptomaine poisoning. Mr. Neary and the daughter had light cases but Mrs. Neary did not respond to treatment. They could not stop the vomiting and sent her to St. Mary's to have an X-Ray. Everything went all right and she is home. It doesn't seem possible that Thanksgiving is near at hand. I can hardly wait. Mr. Hineman's name is Oliver. We have just seen the partial eclipse of the moon. It is wonderful. Looks as if a child has bitten off a big piece. Papa is looking at it now with his Spy-Glasses[.]
Papa is ready to go.
Good-night, lots of love
MammaNov. 7-1938