[Some paragraph breaks added for ease of reading]
Naugatuck Methodist Church
Naugatuck, ConnecticutRev. William M. Nesbit, Ph.D. Minister
15 Frederick Street
Phone 4236Dear little Girl;--
Received your lovely letter this morning. They are so welcome. Have been in Waterbury all the afternoon. The turkey is in the ice-box and the chestnuts are on the table and the celery is also in the ice-box or I should say G.E. Papa is taking a nap. He has S.S. Board meeting to-night to plan for the S.S. entertainment. I have put the rice on to cook for the curried shrimps and now before Supper I have time to write.
Papa phoned Mrs. Fassett to-day to see what plans they had and she was all upset. Friday a week ago, Howard was watching the boys practising foot-ball. He caught a Kick [sic] and slipped and went out cold. When the Doctor examined him they found that he had torn the tendons in his knee and had fainted from the extreme pain. Mrs. Fassett went right up and they decided to wait until Thanksgiving Holidays and then Mrs. Fassett will take him to their Doctor at home. He is able to get around some but is in great pain. He is driving down with one of the boys who has a car so that his mother won't have to make another trip. Torn knee ligaments are a serious proposition --- I hope it is not as serious as a tear --- but those foot-ball Doctors are seldom mistaken. I guess it is not difficult to diagnose. Do you remember my shoulder. Those were torn ligaments and it was six weeks healing and I didn't have to walk on it. I think he has had more than his share all at once. To make it worse Mrs. Fassett has ahd [sic] a very severe recurrence of sinus trouble. She was in agony with it yesterday.
Papa found his gloves. He had left them at Carmen's (the tailor) not the Bizet heroine. My solo went finely yesterday and so did Papa's sermon. Last night at Epworth League, Mr. Herb Johnson spoke on young men signing cards[.]
Time out Andrewsia wishes to go to the bathroom. She brought the other white and black cat to visit us yesterday. You can hardly tell them apart, except that the other cat has one white ear. They did look so cute together. Their tails are exactly alike, and so are many of their markings. That is the cat that lives down by the High School. Douglass slept on our porch all day to-day. These pledge cards are pledges that you will not fight for ypur [sic] country -- no matter what.
My! My! what a turkey -- weighs just under fifteen pounds. They have a new machine which takes the sinews out of the legs. Leaves just enough to keep the legs in shape. My hand was a little stiff last night when I got home from church and I dropped the medicine plunger and broke it --- so Papa and I drove over to Waterbury and got another one which works better than this last one did. Only cost a dollar. I thought the price was $2.50. I had forgotten.
To-day when Papa was out of the car, I was sitting in the car and a truck from the railroad express scraped one of our mud-guards. I spoke to the driver and he waited until Papa returned and then said for us to telephone to the Co. He was very polite. Papa telephone[d] to the Co. and they said they would be glad to furnish paint for the four mudguards. Some people are gentlemen. We were on South Main Street, Waterbury. You know how narrow that street is and how large those Railroad Trucks are. Papa is awake and will take on where I am leaving off.
Page 2.
Behold - Pater Familias enters. Now is time for the Orchestra to play "Hail to the Chief." I feel quite triumphant over getting the Express Co. to agree to furnish paint for my mudguards. (If only the car had been one uniform color, I should have insisted on their repainting the whole car.)
Now, concerning Wednesday - it appears advisable that our sweet child should come down on the train. Train leaves Holyoke at 135 - connects with train leaving Hartford at 310, arriving Waterbury 403. I'll meet you at Waterbury with the one-and-only chariot - and escort you the rest of the way.
Will we be glad to see our own superior Brand of sophomore - or will we?
The fone just interrupted me! It was Mr. Pierson. He says that Mrs. P. will call for you and Catherine about 130, unless it snows. So that's that!
Lotions of love
[sketch of smiling male face]Nov. 27/39
[A copy of a ministerial Thanksgiving greeting to the church members is enclosed.]