A Letter Written on Jan 8, 1939

Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
15 Frederick Street
Naugatuck, Connecticut

O beautious Infant;-

After leaving you at college on Tuesday, I mounted my foaming steed and sped southward. In Simsbury I paused and finished the remains of the lunch and warmed myself with some of the coffee -- then sped on some more, reaching home about 8:40 -- and, like Sindbad, told Mama the tale of my adventures.

On Wednesday who should walk in on us but Gertrude Doris, Charley and Earl. This has all been narrated to you by Mama, however. ----

On Thursday afternoon I took Mama's greetings to the Ladies' Aid. On Friday I attended a meeting for China Relief at the Y.W.C.A. Cafeteria in New Haven -- and afterward stopped at Yungerman's for pork tenderloins etc., which we had not eaten in quite a while. Mama's foot has been showing marked improvement -- so yesterday (Saturday) I took her over to see Dr. Reade (the first she had been out since your departure) and he looked her over carefully and was delighted with the progress made -- however he still wants her to be careful and not put on a shoe yet. So in the evening I represented both of us at the Christmas Party of her Bible Class. (They surely do like their Teacher! You should hear them praise her!)

This morning I preached to a good-sized congregation. This afternoon we have been taking it easy. Now, in a few minutes, I shall mail this on my way to Epworth League.

I think perhaps I shall be able to run up to Mary Lyon's Brain Trust and go over History with you a bit before the Mid-Years. Then of course you will be able to look over Greek and French at home with your parents before those exams are due. It looks like a very satisfactory schedule to me.

Χαρις Φεϖ

Much love from doing parents to admirable Offspring.


January 8, 1939.

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