A Letter Written on Dec 17, 1938

Saturday P.M.

Dear Bessie:

I am a long time in answering your letter but time flies so it seems as though I never get a chance to do half the things I want to do.

My vacation during October was delightful. I don't know when I have enjoyed one so much. The weather was wonderful most of the time and I just lived out of doors. It seemed like summer.

I was sorry to hear that you had been feeling so badly when you first went to Mt. Holyoke and surely hope you are all right now. I shall be glad to hear that you are now orientated and feeling quite at home there.

Mother came down after election & we have been having quite a lot of company. Thanksgiving my sister and family were here & we are going over there for Xmas.

Remember me to you father & mother and let me hear from you again soon.

I hope you all have a wonderfully happy Xmas.

Love from
Aunt Emma

Enclosed with the letter was this card, which was signed by Aunt Emma inside. The preprinted greeting: "Christmas Greetings and Best Wishes for Health and Happiness for the Christmas Season"