Dear Bess:-Received welcome postal this A.M. So glad to hear that Sallie is feeling well again. We were worried about her. Am helping Papa - with his calling card catalogue. Keeping my foot uncovered to-day. Yesterday another little hard piece came out and to-day - the little hole is entirely closed - but the front of the foot is still a little pufed and I shouldn't be surprised if there was still another little piece to come out. It is now 6 P.M. and the hole is still closed. To-morrow I have to go to Dr. Deveraux. I am going to wear Papa's bathing shoe. I haven't been anywhere - but I will sit in the back seat and keep my foot "warm and elevated" and will come right back. Am enclosing clipping - thought you might be interested.
Andrew has a new trick. Night before last, she cuddled up in Papa's arm under the bed clothes and slept there all night. Brownie let her do it - and if Papa sits down in the morris chair to listen to the Radio - Andrew climps up and sits on the back of the cushion. She has done this many times.
I am going down to supper. We are going to have baked pots. veal & lamb kidneys - broccoli and carrots. Papa has just come in from calling. He is going to an Epworth League Rally in Waterbury to-night. The speaker is Rev. Mr. "Somebody" from Ansonia. I have forgotten his name. He is going to give an illustrated lecture - on "My trip to Palestine." I would like to hear it. Papa says it will be all right - if he does not attack the Arabs. I am glad to go down stairs. My back is tired - from keeping my foot so still and near the heater. I have kept it there all day. Well, dearie, I will close now. Will get the photo mailers to-morrow, and send them to you with the photographs, so you may mail them. So glad to hear from you. Hope the skirts are O.K. If not, you can have them fixed when you come home.
Good-night - Lots of love