Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
15 Frederick Street
Naugatuck, ConnecticutJan. 19, 1939
Ma chére [sic] petite fille;-
We have just been having some more snow -- fortunately not much. I see however that it will be necessary to keep the chains on a while longer. You should have seen Mama and me trying to get up our hill without them the other night. It was quite exciting. I had to park the car on Cliff Street over night, and go back for it the next morning.
Last evening we had a very enthusiastic Officia[l] Board meeting. They voted to celebrate the 115th Anniversary of Naugatuck Church with special services and a drive for $1000. We are planning to do the thing in proper style -- with a couple of big dinners, a play etc. Old members, former pastors, District Sup't etc. will be on hand. I'll tell you more about it shortly.
Mama's toe is fine -- perfectly dry today -- seems to be quite healed. Of course the foot is somewhat stiff and lame from not using it normally. But you can imagine that we are feeling celebrationous.
I am planning to visit the center of feminine light and learning on Saturday. Perhaps we can get in some whacks at History, Physics or both. Of course Mama hardly dares to make the trip yet -- so I shall probably use the railroad from either Meriden or New Haven. Tomorrow I'll send you word just when to expect me.
Your card just came and you should have seen Mama charge at the postman to get it.
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