[Some paragraph breaks added for ease of reading.]
Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
15 Frederick Street
Naugatuck, Connecticut6. P.M. Monday.
Dear Little Girl:-
Mr. Rogers, the plumber who is a member of our Church is just finishing putting in a new coil in the water-heater - it sprung a leak this morning - and he came right away and the coil is in. The house is very cold - as we had to turn off the oil-burners in the kitchen stove - and the thermometer is very low. This morning at 5.30 - it was zero. The coldest we have had yet. It is bitter. Yesterday, we had a wind storm - blew like a hurricane and in a few hours the barometer had dropped one whole degree. I have had a barometer ever since I can remember - and I never saw the barometer drop like that. It didn't drop much more at the time of the hurricane. The wind blew so all night that it shook the house. After Mr. Rogers leaves, I am going to get a cup of hot coffee. I will be glad to see the robins.
Mr. Rogers has left and I have a cup of hot coffee and put the supper in to cook. I am going to have stuffed flank - potatoes, carrots and broccoli. Papa has to go to Sunday School Board at Mr. Long's and before that he has to go down to Mr. Alderson's the Funeral Director. One of the little babies that Papa baptized on children's day - died. (8 months old) and as his car was out (a flat) he will go down and see the parents before the Board Meeting. The funeral will be to-morrow afternoon. I hope it is warmer. Papa just looked at the thermometer. It is 17°, too cold for comfort. It is all right - if you stick close to the stove. Andy just came over and wanted to get up in my lap. Papa bought an electric heater for the car to-day. He had a flat last night on his way home from Epworth League and had to walk home. He said it was cold. He is having the heater installed and the flat fixed to-day and also the door. If it is as cold as this on Thursday - I would advise that you carry your muff to keep your hands warm. The paper says - "snow for Naugatuck to-morrow."
On Saturday, all day the Radio was giving out reports of the Air liner - to Bermuda. It was weird and got on your nerves. The last Radio message - was "sinking" - Just the one word and I was relieved to hear Sunday morning that most of the folks had been saved. Yesterday it was a driving rain in the A.M. but I mustered up courage and went to S.S. Dr Wentworth wasn't there so I had the two classes - and sang a solo - By noon, the rain had cleared and this severe wind storm came up. Funny kind of weather.
Mr. Rogers - (you remember at Christmas time - he came to look at the Oil Burner) said he was worried about my foot - because he had an aunt who was stout and she stubbed her toe - and didn't rest it - and they had to take off the toe and then the leg. It is of course - more serious when you are heavy - (added pressure).
Did you see that Nelson Eddy got married last week? Did you see that Barry more [sic] had to borrow a quarter from his mother-in-law - and his Estate in Hollywood is worth $444,000 - nearly half a million, and they put it up at auction and received one bid, $75,000[.] They are going to put it up later in the year.
Will close now - Papa is ready to go. Papa arrived O.K. Sat. night about nine. Said he had a fine time.
Lotions of love.