A Letter Written on Feb 28, 1939

[Some paragraph breaks added for ease of reading.]

Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
230 Portsea Street
New Haven, Connecticut

12-30 PM.

My own dear little girl;

Forgot my fountain pen [letter is written in pencil] - left it downstairs. Am upstairs now. Got up early - cleaned things up a bit - and am now resting. Temp. normal - throat and nose clear - though I still raise some little balls in the morning - I still ache - like the old Harry - but that is to be expected. Papa received a check this A.M. from Miss Whittemore for 100 dollars - wasn't that fine - That makes 285 dollars - Papa has collected himself. This morning - he is writing letters of thanks - It is raining steadily but not pouring - to-day. Glad I don't have to go out.

6.30 P.M. phone me. I said that would be best. String my siberian moonstones to-day - when you get home - you will have to finish the different stringing jobs.

Do you want to hear some progress in medicine? You know the Booth Boy that died of pneumonia - well! his sister didn't wear rubbers at the grave - because her heels were too high to fit the rubbers - her feet were soaked and she developed a cold and her temp went up to 104. They sent her to Waterbury Hospital and all the doctors examined her - but couldn't find what type of pneumonia she had - so they took the sputum from her mouth and injected it into a rat - and the next morning the rat had pneumonia type 1. They gave her the serum for type 1 - and saved her life. You see they have to give a certain serum - for a certain type, and if they cannot find out the type they cannot give the serum. As Betty Lou sais "so there."

Lowell Thomas is on the air and Papa is listening.

We are going to have sauerkraut to-night for dinner[.] Everything is ready - so I will close and get supper and then Papa will post this. Brownie and Andrewsia - are sweeter than ever - and Blackie is still insisting on coming in.

Love from us all

Feb 28, 1939.