243 New York Ave.
Brooklyn, N.Y.
3/19/39Dear Bessie:-
I rec'd your photo and think it is very fine. It looks as though it could speak to you and thus is very natural. I was so surprised when it came and I put it on the book case by the clock so I can see it every time I come into the living room. Several people who have seen it who know your father have remarked how much you resemble him. Thank you very much for it. Did you have it taken for the school book or something like that?
To-day is a glorious day and I have to stay in as I've just gotten over the Influenza. I went to bed a week ago to day with a temperature of 103°, and I still have a cough that would raise the dead.
I suppose you are thinking of Easter vacation. My it wont be long until your first year will have been finished and no doubt you will be glad and your mother and father will be twice as glad. I am sure they are counting the weeks by this time.
Is college easier now than when you started last fall? I've heard the first year is always the hardest in any school. Well I hope you come thru with honors and get another scholarship for next year.
Will close with much love to Bessie
Aunt Emma