A Letter Written on Mar 23, 1939

11 Avenue D
Claymont, Delaware
March 23, 1939

Dear Bessie,

I certainly was surprised and also glad to receive your letter. I don't know whether I will be able to answer all of your questions or not, but I'll try.

According to your letter, you must have a very heavy curriculum. It sounds interesting. It certainly was wonderful (don't mind the d being crossed) for you to win that scholarship. What are you planning to do after you have graduated?

I am working at the present. It is only temporary, however. I entered Beacom Business College the September following graduation. I graduated from there on July 1, 1939 [typo? 1938?], but things have been so dead that as yet I have not found a permanent job. Francis Lichtenstein told me to be sure to remember him to you. I have been going with him now for almost 2 1/2 yrs. Time to quit, don't you think? Mother and daddy also wished to be remembered to you.

I have the June 1937 Clay Tablet before me and I'll try to pick out things that might interest you.

The editor-in-chief was Edna Fawcett and the assistant editor was Aubrey Michener. The theme was "The Melting Pot." The idea was that America was the melting pot, the place where many nationalities have assembled. There was a section for articles on other countries and the migrating of people to this country, a poetry section, an activities section, sports section, humor section, and alumni news. Of course there were pictures of all seniors and advertisements.

I'll try to tell you what some of us are doing now. Betty Armstrong, Ruth Farrow, Robert Casey, Wilbur Griffith, and Fern Wehrheim are going to Beacom College. Edna Fawcett just graduated and is now looking for work. Gladys Jones graduated from Beacom's and is now working there. Claire Reiter also graduated and is working temporarily.

George Bell and Fern are still going together. Harriet Derrickson, Alice Hills, and Catherine Roberts are now married. Ruth Farrow is engaged.

Betty Hand moved to Washington and is now finishing her sophomore year in a teacher's college there.

Mary Chiz has been in New York for some time but is now going to a beauty school in Wilmington. Gladys Moore and Virginia Norris graduated from beauty school. I forgot, Virginia Morris is also engaged.

Vincent Frampton and Gordon Waldron are working at the General Chemical Company. Vincent and Edna are still going together.

Doris Giles and Peggy Moore are also going to college but I do not know where. Albert Kaiser is also going to college.

Virginia Pyne had practically finished her training as a nurse but failed a subject and, therefore, had to quit or else start over. I think she quit. Margaret Hopton is in training and, as far as I know, is making good.

That is about all that I remember.

Miss Hayes is now Mrs. McCorquindale, or something like that. She is still teaching. Miss Silloway is now a missionary.

You asked if I took French and Latin in my senior year. I took French but not Latin. That is why I missed the Latin prize. Gladys took Latin that year. I took physics instead.

So many things happened Class Day that I can't begin to tell them. I am enclosing our commencement program. [no longer with the letter] I tried to fill in those who won awards, but I have forgotten.

Please do not wait so long before you write again.

Hazel [Hall]