A Letter Written on Jul 17, 1939

Monday 7/17/39

Dear Bessie:

I rec'd your letter and meant to answer it last week but every thing seems to have happened to prevent it so here I am at last doing it.

It surely is nice that you are coming down. I told your father over the phone the other A.M. that I thought the first Sat Fri in August would be the best week end. I have to work the one of July 28th and next week I am invited to Rutherford N.J. Then the 2nd Sunday in August I have a friend coming from Xenia Ohio who is going to stop on her way to Maine. These week ends are flying so rapidly they will be gone before I realize it & then I'll have to get back on the old schedule of Sat. morning routine.

This past week end I spent with my niece in Livingston N.J. and it was perfectly lovely.

Let me know what time you can get down on Friday. If you could get here by 6 P.M. we could have dinner and spend a nice evening to-gether. Can you manage to find your way to Brooklyn or do you want me to meet you? I couldn't get over to Grand Central much before 6 P.M. so if you don't mind coming over on the subway it will save a lot of time. However if you would rather I met you I surely will.

I am looking forward a great deal to having you come for a visit and if the weather is good we may see some other interesting things besides the Fair. I think you will like the evening there, as the fountains are very gorgeous. The crowds haven't been too large so perhaps we won't mind.

I am looking forward to my visit to you on August. 18th and hope the weather man will be kind for both events.

I am enclosing a clipping [no longer with the letter] which will probably interest your father and mother.

Let me know when to expect you and in the mean time I hope you will have an enjoyable summer.

Congratulations on passing your Freshman year and getting another scholarship.

Remember me to your mother & father.

Aunt Emma