A Letter Written on Dec 3, 1939

Bessie B. Nesbit
Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, Mass.

Sun. Dec. 3, 1939

Dear Mama & Papa,

This is just a line to let you know that I arrived safely at 4:45 at the "great center of learning". We stopped at a cider mill & got some cider which we drank with the delicious molassus (?) [sic] cake. It was the most marvelous combination. Mr. Pierson ate three pieces of the cake. Mrs. Pierson said that I had a mother who was a fine cook. Did I feel proud!

I certainly did have some swell time at home. Now I'll be looking forward to Christmas. (Hope F.D.R. Doesn't change the date). Supper was'nt [sic] so hot; so I was glad you had made the sandwiches. They just touched the spot. Picture me at the concert tomorrow night. (some swell time to have it I'd say! but they didn't ask me.)

Don't work too hard for the Fair, but I surely wish you all the success with it & wish I could be there. The pen writes nicely & my glasses are O.K. By the way, if you do happen to get the stockings, there are Harvest (color) 10 medium length. Must close now because I am hoping to wash my hair & do Religion before I set out for Slumber Land.

Lotions of love,

P.S. We spent some time looking for Mrs. Pierson's wedding ring to-day but didn't find it. She was quite worried about losing it. Papa guard your watch chain -
