A Letter Written on Jan 16, 1940

Bessie B. Nesbit
Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, Mass.

Tues. Jan. 16, 1940

Dear Mama & Papa,

Greetings! I have been quite unhappy since the Chem. blue book yesterday. It was awful. I, of course, did a very dumb thing. I had difficulty with the second question and spent so much time on it that I didn't have time for the rest. You certainly have no reason to be proud of your daughter today. I wanted so much to get a good mark but now I only hope I passed it. Well this is the first really bad thing that has happened to me this year. Perhaps I can redeem myself on the final exam.

I wrote to Howard & Fred on Sun. Could you tactfully find out whether Howard has evening clothes or not.

I am so disgusted I could kick myself.

Maybe if you would think very hard for me it would help.


P.S. It's a beautiful day today.