Bessie B. Nesbit
Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, Mass.Mon. March 18, 1940
Dear Mama & Papa,
Happy Day-after-St. Patrick's-Day to you. I am fine at the present time - just looking forward to Friday.
I am in quite a quandry. The A+ in Religion has made me think seriously of majoring in Religion & yet I can't exactly figure out what I could do with it. I am going to have an appointment with Mr. Bailey, my history teacher, to morrow. Then I hope to have a conference with Dr. Adams before I come home. We have to have our majors fairly decided on after we come back from spring vacation.
By the way would you try & get me
A Harmony of the Synoptic Gospels by Burton & Goodspeed
Pub. by ScribnersThe Harmony you lent me is not quite like the other one & I will need the other one for more advanced courses in Religion. I would love to have it for Spring Vacation. I am also going to borrow "The Nazarene" from one of the kids to read during Spring vacation. Perhaps you can read it also. It is very highly praised & is near the top of the list of fiction that Am. is reading.
Also may I ask you for a little filthy lucre before Friday so that I can go home with a fairly free conscience.
Lotions of love,
Please be thinking of me for Thurs. & my Fr. quiz.
B. N.