A Letter Written on Mar 19, 1940

Bessie B. Nesbit
Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, Mass.

Tues. March 19, 1940

Dear Mama & Papa,

Just a word to let you know what has come of my conferences with Mr. Bailey & Dr. Adams. Dr. Adams advised me not to major in religion because the department did not offer what I would want. He highly approved of my trying out for the prize essay on the life of Jesus. Mr. Bailey said that he couldn't speak impartially because history fascinated him. His enthusiasm for his subject is simply wonderful. He advised me to take a broad general course rather than to major too much in history. He said from talking with me he thought I would do well in the subject. I liked and [sic] that if that were history - to major in it. He said that the thing the world needs is enough people who know history well enough that they will not repeat a mistake. History will be my major so far - now when I come home I'll ask mama's & papa's advice.
