Friday -Dear Bessie,
Here I am safe at last - I certainly didn't think I'd ever get here. How did the rest of my packing go? Did it come out O.K.? You were wonderful to help me and finish for me. I certainly do appreciate it Bessie. I hope you are having a grand time now, not doing anything very much.
It was very hot when I got to New York. By the time I got to West Englewood it was so hot I was dripping wet. Martha had a friend from Panama visiting her, but she left yesterday. I didn't do much yesterday. Martha went to a party and I stayed home & read a magazine.
Last night, Wy & I went out to dinner and Martha & Wy later went to a party. Beverly Phillips came over and we went to Palisades Park & looked it over. Palisades Park is like Coney Island I guess. All sorts of rides and things to do. It was lots of fun. This afternoon we are going to a benefit for the Red Cross. This is Red Cross week and the benefits are all over the place. Can't you just see me playing bridge with the ladies.
To-night I'm going out to dinner & a show with Mary Alexander. She was over this morning before I was up. (It was early too) Just like old times eh! I saw her mother when Martha and I walked down to the grocery store.
I may go swimming with Beverly to-morrow and Sunday I think we are going to the fair. Martha says she hopes we can eat in the Swedish building.
Do you remember me telling you about Dr Kaufman who is out in Tyrone. Well, I just got a letter from Mother saying he came back to Burlington to bring his son's ashes. Wayne was killed in an airplane crash in California. He was to get his strip[e]s Saturday & be a a [sic] bomber.
Bessie, will you please do me a favor & tell the registrar to send my grades to Michigan. I forgot to do it before I left. Tell her to send them as soon as she can. Write quick -
SalP.S. c/o C. Wyman Poor
364 Churchill Rd.
West Englewood, N. Jersey