A Letter Written on Apr 7, 1940

Bessie B. Nesbit
Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, Mass.

Sun. April 7, 1940

Dear Mama & Papa,

Greetings! Just a few words to tell you that my cold "has went" the way all colds go sooner or later - meaning that I am now in the pink of condition. Thanks ever so much for the special. I have been reading the account of the flea performance to a no. of my close associates & I laugh more each time. I would just love to have been there. Friday night I had Stelle to dinner & we saw Eliz & Essex afterward which was wonderful. The only thing I didn't like about it was Bette Davis' makeup. Sat afternoon Sally & I went in to Holyoke and saw "The Hunchback of Notre Dame for 15¢. I liked it a lot. Charles Laughton's makeup is simply wonderful.

Oh I have some news for you about my scholarship. I got a $250 scholarship which includes the extra $100. Thus then is a $50 increase over this year's. Perhaps I could raise it more if my marks improve this semester although it is best always to expect the worst. I also got table-waiting for next year for luncheon & dinner & breakfast waiting provisionally as usual.

Poor Stelle didn't get her scholarship back on account of her low marks the first semester. They said they might give it to her if her marks improved the last semester of this year. She is quite disappointed.

I must go back to my work now. I couldn't do much last week on account of my cold & am really getting to work now.

Lotions of love,

Personally I think Mr. Worley is a sap.