Naugatuck Methodist Church
Naugatuck, ConnecticutRev. William M. Nesbit, Ph.D., Minister
15 Frederick Street
Phone 4236My Wee Wee Lassie;-
After putting you on the train in Meriden and seeing you settle on the seat with Catherine - - I walked and slid back to the car - - where I found Mama sitting perfectly safe and in good order. After quite some manoeuvering, [sic] I got the car turned around and started homeward. We arrived at the pastoral domicile just about in time to draw a breath and then start out for Epworth League. At E.L., Mama gave the kids a talk on "Hobbies" which was quite a hit. Then in Church I gave them Samson.
We are simply up to our necks in preparation for the Anniversary. Folks seem quite enthusiastic about it. Today, the John Wesley Class are having a Food Sale (for which Mama made some fudge), the Ladies Aid are having a Valentine Tea (in the afternoon), and the Fidelity Class are having a Valentine Social (in the evening). Tomorrow night the Sunday School are going to have a big Valentine Party. And these things are just the preliminaries for the real Anniversary Program.
Mama and I are wondering whether it would be possible for you to be excused from whatever comes last on Friday afternoon, so that you and Sallie could get here in good time for supper and to see the Drama Guild plays in the evening. Would it be possible for me to write a persuasive epistle to the teacher - - or something?
Of course I intend to come for you (pl.), if the driving is any way decent.
Give Sallie our kindest regards and tell her we expect to kill the fatted calf, paint the town red, etc. etc.
The special delivery containing two letters was received with delight; and just now, while I was working hard recalling enough College English to compose this masterpiece, the postman brought us the exceedingly interesting communication regarding Mary Brown etc.
Maribuscum amoris
Your doting parents
The Lovely Lady & her Husband.February 9, 1939.