A Letter Written on Oct 21, 1940

My own dear Bessie;-

Don't be upset about the skirt. As you have heard me say many times: "Accidents will happen in the best regulated families." Go ahead and get one at Filene's.

Mama and I enjoyed your letter about the hazing day doings very much. It seems to me that you are getting more fun than ever out of college.

Concerning your idea about something always happening to spoil a perfect good time:- - my reply is, dismiss the thought! Of course night always follows day - - to be followed by another day. Sunshine and rain of necessity forever alternate. Pleasure must sometimes be interrupted. Eternal joy, in the very nature of things, exists only in Heaven. Don't let pessimism spoil a pleasant moment. Be happy - - and, when happiness is interrupted, say, "This is only an interruption." "This is a rainy day butting in between two days of sunshine." It is the occasional storm that makes us appreciate fair weather. We must not let our enjoyment of today's brightness be marred by thought that bad weather is bound to come later on. Life here has to be varied; without variety, it would be like a landscape without shadow. Do you recall the Delmarva scenery? "O for some hills!" "O how I would like to see the Naugatuck Valley!"

What a nuisance it is to have a minister in the family! He even preaches to his child!


Don't let the loan slip through your fingers. If you haven't gotten the application in, do it now.

By the way, Miss Tripp told me that the Committee on Scholarships meets in November. It would be a good idea to ask her what you should do to bring yourself to their attention for a possible raise.


All reports agree that Willkie is steadily gaining. He certainly has been making some great speeches.

Mama and I heard Churchill's appeal to the French this afternoon.

We shall be concentrating on wishing good luck to our Child with blue-books etc.

Good Night, Sleep Tight.
God bless you.
Sweet dreams!
Your doting parents
Her Husbund [sic]

October 21, 1940.

Mama is sending towels tomorrow.