A Letter Written on Sep 29, 1940

7 Meadow St.
Naugatuck, Conn.
September 29, "40.

Dear Bessie,

Fredie has asked me to write you a few lines. Fredie was operated on Saturday morning. He was down at the hospital several days for observation, and they decided not to break the bone but have just moved and loosen[ed] his muscles in his shoulder and arm.

He is in a plaster cast from his hips to his shoulders and of course his right arm. He is in a great deal of pain put [sic] they are keeping him mostly under hypo's.

They claim that they will know in a few days if the operation is a success and then if it isn't I suppose it will mean the break. I don't know if Fred would consent to that he is suffering so with this. The things that is so painful is they have his arm in the cast stretched above his head in a position he was never able to accomplish himself.

Personally I think he is improving a little he only asked for peaches, apples, pears, and bananas today. You see Bessie his cast keeps him from eating very much at a time. He has difficulty in breathing if he does and the hours between mealtime seem terribly long.

Guess what, Bessie, your Father just came in and said I should say Hello to you for him.

Fredie is in the New Haven General Hospital and if he isnt able to write to you, I will for him and let you know the latest developements. [sic]

I imagine you are settled back in the old routine. I sincerely hope that everything is going nicely for you.

Bessie I will close now and let Betty mail this. She is ready to go downtown so we all have a hand in the pie with Fredies letter to you.

Truly yours.
Rhea Mowrey