A Letter Written on Oct 11, 1940

Beautiful Princess;-

Mama and I have just gotten back from New Haven - and I am momentarily expecting the arrival of the blushing couple, aged respectively 57 and 46, concerning whom I believe Mama wrote you. Afterward I shall rush down to watch the painter mix paint for tomorrow's painting bee.

Tomorrow will be a wild rush. But we are looking forward to seeing our CHILD on Sun afternoon - hoping of course that the weather will be propitious. If it rains, mama will not dare go. So we must hope hard.

Lots of love

Oct. 11/40

[handwriting change]

P.S. Received your welcome letter - about Sally's mother - and all the other news. - This "untidyness" [sic] is due to Brownie. I have just let him in - kept him out during the Wedding. It went of beautifully[.] The Bride looked like Mrs. Hope (warts and all). Do you remember Mrs. Hope? She looked very young for her age and had such a cold she couldn't speak - voice almost completely gone. The groom was telling me that his mother is alive and used to live with him until the "Missus" was laid away - I was in stitches. After that I suppose he went out courting and didn't have time to bother with the old lady. He is going to save the Indian Head pennies for you. So long until Sunday -
