A Letter Written on Sep 25, 1940

Naugatuck Methodist Church
Naugatuck, Connecticut

Rev. William M. Nesbit, Ph.D., Minister
15 Frederick Street
Phone 4236

Dear little Girl:- It is a rainy, rainy day here - I am glad it is not to-morrow, for the Harvest Supper is held to-morrow. The Radio says - the weather will be clear on Thursday. I will be at the Church - to cut the corn etc. but I will not do the dishes - as I have rehearsal. Papa is also holding Officeal [sic] Board in the evening.

Dr. Worley has been in a rather awkward situation. He said at the meeting on Monday night - that he isn't quite sure just where he is going. He said "It looks as if there will have to be changes in 3 or 4 churches, in order to place me in the pastorate and I certainly am sorry to have all this done on account of me." I guess it is just as Papa said "Dr. Worley is going to have a difficult time in getting a pastorate. Many of the churches will not even consider him." I think the switches are almost complete and we will hear in a few days. We

It was rather pitiful the other night when Dr Worley said "I have found in my desk a large number of "How to keep America out of war" by Kirby Page." He waved one in the air and said "They are here if anyone wants a copy and is still interested" and the whole audience laughed. His oldest daughter has gone to DePauw Indiana for her freshman year. He said they had had one letter from her and he was very blue about it. She said first, she was broke second, she had fallen and torn her silk stockings - third, all the curls from her permanent had come out - on acc't of some special hard water - they have out there. She washed her hair and out came the curls and for good. I guess she was homesick in the bargain. So much for the Worleys.

Mrs Bert Hudson says the folks are rather dubious about how Jean's wedding will turn out. She says that Mr. Arthur has gone all to pieces on account of it. He seemed to feel it more than her mother.

Mrs. Winter was at the meeting. She is Superintendent of the Sunday School now. I do not think that they care much for the new minister. Mary Davis went to college on Thursday - some little college, I didn't catch the name - but I will. Evidently - she could not pass the College Board Exams.

Went to New Haven - yesterday - had one of the front teeth filled - then stopped at Howards - where I had left my last winter's dresses - and the thin silk coat to be cleaned. Then Papa stopped at a private school that Dr. Lucock had spoken of and had a talk with the Principal about substituting in case of illness of the teachers. Papa said she looked very much like Mrs. Hewlett and was very nice. Entered his name etc. etc. Then we hurried home for the Epworth League (my dental appointment was at 2) at 7. P.M. I cooked Pop's supper - and we went to the League. Going to have a party on Oct. 4. Had excellent attendance last night.

The Wedding is to be - at 10 A.M. on Oct. 12 - Mr. Rasencroft and an Italian Girl named Parsio. He used to be a member of the church. Has been married before. I am to sing "I love you truly," and will buy my winter dress with the money or maybe new sweaters. - (probably the dress.)

Just received your welcome letter about the girdles. Am sending a letter to Wanamaker in this mail. They certainly are popular girdles. The last time at Malley's - we had to wait almost 2 weeks[.]

Have been addressing the first day cover envelopes for the "com-mems-" Papa will forward them to Dan.

Glad you heard from Miss Laird. It is a friendship you will always want to continue.

On account of the heavy rain - could not go to Sugenheimers. Telephoned to the girl who sold you the Mojud. She said she did not recommend the nylon. They are still in the process of perfection. I didn't know what to do - so I sent you the Mojud. She is the head of the Hosiery Dept. and was very decided. From what I understand - the nylon thread is sold to the various stocking manufacturers. - Some weave the nylon well and others don't. Will you inquire what make the girls had - whose stockings wore so well. If you don't want these. We can credit them without any trouble. Lots of love. Mamma.