A Letter Written on Oct 2, 1940

Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
15 Frederick Street
Naugatuck, Connecticut

Dear little Girl:

Papa just rec'd his check from Mr. Calvert - so Pop told me to send the enclosed. [no longer with the letter] As luck would have it - Dugan's man is being bounced or transferred and we have to pay him 10.00 on Sat. as he is not allowed to leave with a 16.00 balance. That makes us kind of short for the present. Our wedding day is Sunday - and we are going over to the Front Page to celebrate.

Everything is fine - been raining heavy all day. Papa took the things back to the Floyds. I made them fudge.

Pop is waiting - will close -

Big Kiss form the Quartette,

Oct 2, 1940

Pop dated your letter wrong - yesterday's to-day's please excuse.
