Oct. 4 - 1940.
12 noon.Dear little Girl: I am writing early to-day because I have to make the sandwiches etc. for to-night and then some fudge for the "travelling basket" - and also - Mrs. Floyd gave me some green tomatoes - and I am going to "set" them in the salt over night, to make the relish that you like.
The day is not quite long enough to do everything. Papa is out - has taken the bulletin material to Stan. We got 100 more penny-a-meal barrels. They are going fine. We are going to have another wedding. Mr. Hubbell - the Post-Master at Union City is going to get married (his wife died just a year ago) to a divorced woman from New Haven. He is an Episcopalian - so Papa is to perform the ceremony. They did not want the wedding performed in Naugatuck so Papa - asked the Manager of the Elton and they are going to give Papa - the use of a sitting room at the Elton - and will not charge him anything. Papa certainly has some nice friends. You can imagine all the talk there will be - when Naugatuck hears he is married.
Papa and I were laughing this morning, about how all things come to-gether. Weddings generally come in threes.
Andy the dog - has had his "rear end" bumped by an auto. That is - I think he has - for he is quite lame. He will not hurry across the street - no matter what - and he is walking slower than ever. He is lying down in the sun now - stretched out full length - enjoying himself.
Fred Mowrey has had an awful time as far as pain is concerned, with his arm. This is an unusual case and he has had the advantage of all the bone specialists in the New Haven Hospital. They decided that they would loosen all the muscles - that connect the arm with the chest. This they have done - and then they put his body down to the waist in a plaster cast. The pain was so great that they had to keep him doped - all the time - at first but when Papa saw him - he was out of the pain and feeling pretty good. Mr. Mowrey told Papa last night that they hoped to bring Fred home - in a few days - but of course they were not sure of the date.
Papa just returned home and said that the wedding would be on Friday, the 11th but they hadn't decided on the
datetime. His wife had been crazy for 12 yrs. due to lack of some gland - which atrophied during the change of life period. I have just been reading about some wonderful experiments they have been making at Johns Hopkins. They make a serum of the fluid of this gland and inject it, into the people whose gland is no longer active. Out of 100 crazy people there were 98 percent cures and in some cases - the cures were permanent after a few injections. This woman could have been cured - if she had lived a little later than she did. Folks say that this discovery of the ability to feed this gland to a patient is one of the most wonderful discoveries since liver for anemia etc. etc. It took a long time to perfect it - and they are still working on it.Papa says they may have the wedding performed at the Parsonage instead of the Elton. One of Mr. Hubbell's daughters married Mrs. Herbert Johnson's son by her first husband (Mr. Burke) so they are all connected - Methodists and Episcopalians! The Johnsons and the Burkes - live in the same house.
Brownie has had to have a whipping. He got up on the desk in the Parlor and settled himself - while I was writing. Papa came in and said Brownie should be taught not to do that. I agreed with Papa and he started to take Brownie off. Brownie slapped Papa and spit - and I spanked Brownie. He is getting to be a regular old crank. He is with me all day - and thinks he is boss, of everybody. I know he bosses me but I kind of like it.
I will stop now and get dressed for the Epworth League. I am using this paper as we don't want to use up all the Church Paper - and I like the Glaze on this paper, much better.
Will close now - so glad to have the schedule.
Love and a big kiss.
MammaP.S. Andrewsia is parking under the stove, morning - noon and night when I let her. She is well - and warm and happy.
P.P.S. Telephoned to Mrs. Fassett for Howard's new address. This is it
417 North Pleasant St.
Amherstam going to send him some fudge next week for a little surprise.
(over the page)
[handwriting change]
Howard went up on Tues. He drove his own car. His mother and sister followed in the big car with his impedimenta - as his car wouldn't hold it.
This completes the news.